Command & Conquer

2 Conversations

"Command and Conquer", also called "Tiberian Dawn" is Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game, published by Virgin Interactive and Westwood Studios at 1995.

This game's plot is:

In the near future, astorids hit the earth, and a new plant is discovered- called "Tiberium".
This plant is radioactive, so it's dangerous to any life form on earth and the only way to save earth is to use it until it will end.

There are two organizations who want to control the tiberium:

1. GDI (Global Defence Initiative)- "The Good Guys"- want to use the tiberium for researches and to find ways to use it without destroying the human race.

2. The brotherhood of NOD- A group of terrorists, whose leader is Kane. They want the tiberium so they control the earth and make money for it's uses.

In the game, the player can play in each of the sides, in over more then 15 missions for single player or multiplayer (over the modem or internet).

The game was first realesed to DOS, and had many sequals such as Red Alert, Tiberian Sun and more...

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