A Conversation for The Trickster
MaW Started conversation Dec 20, 2001
* thinks about Seamus Heaney's poetry which he was forced to study at GCSE *
* panics *
* s *
Unfortunately I was far too busy to write my Musings this week - again! FABT has instructed me to write an extra-long edition for the next Post, and such I will, but in the mean time your column should keep readers more than satisfied. Bravo!
LokuZ Posted Dec 20, 2001
I've had to write an essay on whether Heaney deserved the Nobel prize or not... Ah well, at least it's done now.
Excuse me, I have 10 emails to read... aren't I popular?
MaW Posted Dec 21, 2001
* checks e-mail *
* 45 new messages *
You've probably got it about right. Some days I have over a hundred to wade through, and that's a bit on the silly side really.
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Posted Dec 21, 2001
There's something sticky on this table.......but you didn;t want to know that.
Thanks for the feedback about the the feedback LokuZ
About Beowulf. We had a lecturer at uni who use to turn the lights out in the lecture theater and then shout the epic at us. It was amazing.
Nice article again.
gotta go. work to do
MaW Posted Dec 21, 2001
I feel terribly uneducated - I never read it!
All I know about Beowulf I learned from an episode of Star Trek: Voyager - which didn't teach me very much at all other than that it's a very old story.
I really should do something about this terrible lack of knowledge.
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