A Conversation for Project: Evolution and Creation
Principals (sic) of evolution
Ste Started conversation Dec 17, 2001
I'll have a blast at that one.
I'll do microevolutionary forces, nat. selec., gene flow, etc. and tie them in with the whole picture
anyway, hasn't biological evolution been done in some edited form already?
Principals (sic) of evolution
Hoovooloo Posted Dec 17, 2001
Don't know - I just knocked out the basic overview index without checking whether there's anything in there already.
Just because there's an existing entry doesn't mean you can't write a new one. Do a Guide search on "Unicycles" - there was an entry for ages, but it didn't do the full job, so I wrote a *proper* one, with instructions and everything. It got in.
I'll probably do the Guide search thing tomorrow - I'm short of time right now, and it's probably a bad time to start a proj, but it looked like the weight of unedited entries on and interest in this subject had reached a sort of critical mass and if I didn't start a proj someone else would.
This is likely to be a very iterative process, breaking out sections of entries and making them separate, combining sections into new entries etc to get the structure right. Ultimately I'd like to see a sort of two pronged approach, with the same number of entries from the Creationist and Evolutionist sides. It could be quite a challenge, especially if I end up having to write the Creationist side myself. Mind you, I like a challenge - if I can do an entry on an origami paper plane without diagrams, I can damn well write creationist propaganda!
Thanks for helping...
Principals (sic) of evolution
Ste Posted Dec 17, 2001
I'm actually a molecular biologist, so I can do all the DNA stuff too if you want, though it's not neccessarily required for evolution.
I'm a busy person too. I'll get round to it when I can.
For my entry that I alread have how about this description: "An overview of creationism and creation-science. Why religion and science aren't mutually exclusive but how they should respect each other." Or something
Principals (sic) of evolution
Martin Harper Posted Dec 29, 2001
only one edited entry in the guide: A196346 - Evolution
It's a very short entry, and it's a look at evolution in general (very general), meaning basically "change"... there's plenty of space for an entry on Darwinian Evolution...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A663491 - creatures, artifical life, etc, is definately worth linking to - 'games' like that, to my mind, conclusively demonstrate that darwinian evolution is a plausable hypothesis, and puts the onus on creationists to say why it *wouldn't* happen. IMO, of course.
There's a fair bulk of unedited stuff which I'm not going to start wading through tonight - I expect it'll be rather mixed in quality...
Principals (sic) of evolution
Ste Posted Dec 30, 2001
My entry is well on it's way now. Take a look. It aims to cover the facets of Neo-Darwinism with some example, and also give some other interesting details about evolution too. E.g.,the selfish gene point of view, homeotic genes (maybe linked to human language & culture and left-right brain asymmetry - nice front page entry on that today (30-12-01)) animal speciation, rapid evolution to insecticides/pesticides etc.
That link is pretty good. I wish it was two separate entries though... it reminded me of mieosis and sex, and that i reallt ought to include it. silly me.
Yeah, I agree that the burden of proof is heavily weighted on the creationist side..., but they don't seem to agree of course.
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Principals (sic) of evolution
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