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Toothpaste is a substance which is used on toothbrushes by many humans who want clean teeth. Toothpaste is generally available in either plastic or metal squeezable tubes with an opening at one end, covered by a plastic cap. This cap screws on and off of the tube, and is invarably lost, causing the toothpaste to dry up at an alarming rate. For use, a small amount of toothpaste is squeezed onto the toothbrush, whereupon the user may comence brushing.

Modern toothpaste:

There are several different types of toothpaste being commercially manufactured today. All of them are based on some sort of abrasive, meant to scrub plaque, rotting food, and other various nasty substances from the teeth and surounding area. However, there are several fundamental differences between different toothpaste types:

Flouride toothpaste is by far the most popular toothpaste. Manufactured by the major toothpaste companies, this toothpaste's active ingredient is some type of Sodium Flouride. Sodium Flouride creates a chemical bond with the teeth and harden's the enamel. However, many people believe Flouride to be toxic, and the toothpaste to be harmful.

Baking Soda


Ancient toothpaste




Alternate Uses of toothpaste

Cleaning CDs

Drying Zits

Shining Pennies


What is Toothpaste?

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