A Conversation for

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Post 221

Moatas; Muse of American Ways

Hi Candi; I just dropped by to say 'hi'. This is an effort to meet other guide writers and people in general. So,....Hi...and 'keep 'em flying' I hope to see you around the guide sometime. Ciao

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Post 222

Moatas; Muse of American Ways

Hi Candi; I just dropped by to say 'hi'. This is an effort to meet other guide writers and people in general. So,....Hi...and 'keep 'em flying' I hope to see you around the guide sometime. Ciao

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Post 223

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

*wonders if that was just to candi or to the rest of us too...*

It is my society after all smiley - wah

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Post 224

The Theory

*wxnders if candi will find post in time to respond before it's too late...*


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Post 225

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

*has mant doubts about that*

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Post 226

Candi - now 42!

Actually I found it ages ago but was too confused to answer. Anyway I'm here now smiley - ok? Hello Moatas and a quick nod to everyone else who've all been inanely mooing together on other threads (yes of course they're all yours Rat, you are the thread king!)

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Post 227

The Theory


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Post 228

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

maybe I should start a new one...The Society Of People Who Join Anything I Tell Them About So They Get A Free Link To Their Page.....

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Post 229

Candi - now 42!

No I haven't quite got round to going to bed yet and yes, OK I may seem like a smiley - sheep - but I do join things because I genuinely believe in the cause, not just to get a "free link". I take all this extremely seriously, so do not question my integrity. I am a member of other clubs on H2G2 you know............smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

I really am going to bed now.

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Post 230

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

that was actually directed mostly towards the theory who admitted thats why he joined....

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Post 231

Candi - now 42!


smiley - blush

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

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Post 232

The Theory



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Post 233

Crazy Man

If you were offended, you wouldn't say peace, now, would you?

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Post 234

The Theory

Peace: The Theory's signature. Writen with a lowercase "p" and has a period after the "e". Used whenever The Theory posts to a conversation.


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Post 235

Crazy Man

yeah...but still

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Post 236

The Theory

Read that line again... used /whenever/ The Theory posts to a conversation... no ifs ands ors or buts... I could be talking about how we should make war on the terrorists, and still would use "peace." at the end of my posts... geez...


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Post 237

Candi - now 42!

What's the point then?

(being argumentative for the sake of it smiley - winkeye)

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Post 238

Fred Smith

I would join a society that merely means that I get a free link to my user-page. I've already joined a society designed to give people titles.

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Post 239

The Theory

I saw that page a couple of days ago... I didn't look at it much cuz I thought that maybe you had to put your title in your nickname, which I didn't want to do... but if that's not the case, sounds cool...


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Post 240

Moatas; Muse of American Ways

"......er.....what was the question again?"

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