A Conversation for Join S.P.U.D: the Secret Potato-lovers' Undercover Division

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 21

Floh Fortuneswell

*beats a retreat*

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 22

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

grabs Lurcher by the collar and pulls him behind the pot, to safety. Signals Attack armadillos, who swarm over Floh's hiding place...

Hands Lurcher a beer and bandages.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 23

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost simulposted. drat.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 24


Never mind that!!
*Wraps bandages where it hurts, drains beer in one*
I owe you BUafT. Looks like she`s on her own, shame that smiley - winkeye

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 25

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Well, I guess that means I can try my new recipe...
*begins building his still*

*Notices a funny rattling sound as 21 bullets rattle around inside his armor.*

She's a purty good shot, though.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 26


Yup, true. Pity she`s on the wrong side. On the other hand, at the moment, she IS the wrong side !!
Ah well, while you build your still, I`ll nip off and get some RL work done smiley - sadface
Might even get the uniform on again.Feel shabby in this get-up smiley - yuk
*thinks... looks around in a panic*

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 27

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.


thinks quickly...not an easy feat for BUafT...

Maybe we could offer a hostage exchange, your purty clothes fer some baby potatoes we ain't cooked yet.
we could call it the duds fer spuds program.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 28

Floh Fortuneswell

*a smiley - whistle is heard from behind another stone*

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 29


ANYTHING!! I`m distraught (I think)

Floh, can you hear me Floh ?

*considers an all out, single handed recovery attack, but only briefly*

Can we talk about this ??

If she shows herself, BUafT, you know what to do!

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 30

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost has to go. will work on this tomorrow. g'night, bud.smiley - zzz

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 31


Me too, must get Real smiley - sadface

Floh, don`t do anything rash now, we can sort this out smiley - injured

*Retires hurt*

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 32

Floh Fortuneswell

*leaves the note: You know where you can find me smiley - smiley*

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 33


I`m There!
Lsmiley - fullmoon

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 34

Floh Fortuneswell

I know smiley - nahnah

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 35

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

looks like she ain't interested.
I guess I get to build mah still after all. *starts feeding baby potatoes into the cook pot*
Don't worry, Lurcher, we'll git you another fancy uniform.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 36

Floh Fortuneswell

No wait, we shouldn't abandon the negotiations !!!

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 37

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

O.K. Here's the babies. Got the Uniform?

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 38

Floh Fortuneswell


Baby Spuds and suds

Post 39

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

aw, heck, make up yer mind. In the pot or out?
(The baby potatoes whimper)
I got moonshine, or I can cook up these Potatoes and make vodka.

Baby Spuds and suds

Post 40

Floh Fortuneswell

Please smiley - smiley

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