A Conversation for Glasgow (Scotland)

Disney -- pah!

Post 1


The Warner Brothers store is bigger and full of things that are much more cute than anything Disney could provide.


The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 2


I tend to see Glasgow as a city under constant urban decay. The city council are constaltly doing refits to the outside s of buildings, and at the core they re still rotting away.

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 3


In the four years I spent in Glasgow there were some areas that obviously had a lot of money put into them while other areas were left to decay. But I still love the place and miss it heaps.

It's a shame the Cathouse got so trendy though. And does The Rat Trap still do it's fetish nights?

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 4


The cat house was good when it was in brown street, now i dont like it and i ve only been to the rat trap once to see my brothers band. The city council spend a lot of money they dont have, all over the place, and have done for about 3 years

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 5


Brown Street, now there's a dodgy street! There was a rock pub/ club type thing down on the river by the Trading Post but I can't for the life of me remember it's name! I think it closed down anyway!

And someone dragged me to the 13th Note once - very arty!

And has the Queen Margeret Union got any better? I doubt it.

The GFT was a good place to go. They did an excellent Vampire special one Halloween with some strange Brazillian film.

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 6


Brown street had the cat house years ago, later moved to arglye street. The rat trap is there now, i cant remember any other bars of that description

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 7


This place was more of a pub than a club and was up past Buchanan Street (away from Brown Street).

And if you were feeling in a realy trendy mood, you could always try The Arches (feature in the movie Trainspotting).

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 8


I ve been to the arches a few times, i prefer the sub club, better environment. Are you talking about the solid rock cafe near central station ? 2 blocks from brown street turning right at argyle?

The thing i notice about Glasgow

Post 9


No, I believe the pub I'm thinking of may have been called The Tap. No hang on, that was the Brewery Tap on Sauchiehall Street. I wish I could remember as it's starting to get REALLY annoying now.

I quite liked the Solid Rock the few times I went in although it was often to crowded for me. I don't usually mind crowds but I'm quite small and there are only so many times you can put up with being pushed away from the bar by taller peoplesmiley - smiley

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