Glasgow (Scotland)

2 Conversations

Scotland.. hmm.. I love the place... Snow capped mountains.. Reindeer skipping about everywhere..

Not to mention the torrential rain in one of its biggest cities (Glasgow) which tends to attempt to tear your scalp off...

yes. If you think the city you live in is polluted and cloud-covered, then may I suggest a quick trip to Glasgow, where you will be certain to discover the true meaning of the word GREY!

Look out for a huge crane down by the river.
This is probably one of the major tourist attractions in Glasgow. The Kelvin Grove Art Gallery is good, if you like that sort of thing. Or, when there happens to be a quick break in the inevitable blizzard, you can don your dancing gear
and head for the pubs and curry-houses.

Or why not take a look at the dhukets?? Where the people house their pet pidgeons..

If you're going to travel all the way to Glasgow, then its certainly worth a quick look into the Disney Store. You can buy all sorts of really cute, (however pointless) things there.


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