A Conversation for Marked (Danger 72 point Flashing Marquee)

Except that is not what he said!

Post 1

Mrs Zen

smiley - applause

It's cool. It's very very cool. But it isn't what GodBen said! smiley - huh


Except that is not what he said!

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"No it is indeed not what Godben said.

Perhaps while _We_ all should take the blame as in what 'Demon Drawer' said. I will not even suggest there is one Researcher responsible for the mess.

More like 'Mina' (ideno) wrote in her Journal; I have seen this happening all before. (again my interpretation not an exact quote) But I have seen this happening before myself, in some ways.

We should take the blame while we are retrospective in saying the site changes, we are changing ourself too, there is no such thing as 'The Spirit of HooToo' without _us_ the Researchers ! "

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