A Conversation for dragons


Post 1

The Grand High Pomogranate

Not that I've heard of the newgroup alt.fan.dragons or anything, but maybe they don't take lightly to newcomers? Is that the meaning behind that sinister laugh? Hm...

Oh, and I don't even want to get into what that group considers a flame war...


Post 2

The Grand High Pomogranate

or, for that matter, what they do to those who make bad puns...


Post 3


Hey all!
Speaking as a dragon, not to mention a relatively longtime member of alt.fan.dragons, I would like to assure you that all the dragons there are completely friendly to greggils and other life-forms. We don't generally have flame wars, although we do have a lot of Food Fights. And don't worry, bad puns are a pretty regular occurance as well. I'm sure anyone with the right sense of humour to enjoy the Guide would be welcome there!


Post 4

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Hullo, Hespa.

it's blu here. afd professional lurker and friend of Digi, you know, the Digital Dragon???

There seem to be several of us scattered around the guide. I guess with 10,000 [and rising] researchers, there ought to be a few dwaggies around. Glad you visited my dragon article. If there is anything important I left out, just let me know.

Care for some lemonade while you're here? Too hot for tea today.


Post 5


If there weren't any dragons popping up in dragon articles or around the Guide, I'd sure as hell be worried. B=8)


Post 6


Heya bluDragon! Any relation to Bleudragon?

Do I know Digi? Of course I know him! I've just been reading his story.
Anyhoo, you're the only other dragon I've seen here so far, but I haven't had much of a look around yet. What do the other reporters think of us? I was a bit worried about that thing I read when I joined up, saying how I had to remember that I was hooman. Hooman? Me? I don't think so!
Mmm, lemonade, thanks! Have a greenberry pie!

Wind To Thy Wings!


Post 7


Hey Hespa, I guess maybe they want us to pretend (pretend to be a greggil? Blech) or at least remember that we're from earth. [B=8)


Post 8

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

ok, so that makes three of us

just about the right number for a food fight



Post 9


*Begins to get out the chocolate pudding*


Post 10

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


Gotcha! with a big gooey chock'lit pie!

[ducks behind rock while licking meringue and filling off of paws]


Post 11


Ack! This is what I get for not paying attention for a moment... Heya Jedi, nice to meet you, and HEADS UP!!
Mmm, what a good whipped-cream-gun...


Post 12

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran





Post 13

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

*double urp*

guess I made the forum software burp with all the tag quotes.

translation of above post:

[from the safety of the rock, blu aims a barrage of bite-size chock'lit eclairs at hespa, jedislider, the pomogranate, and anyone else who wanders by]

[pops up from behind the rock]
[ducks down and eats some of the ammunition]

[pops up from behind the rock]
[ducks down and eats more ammunition]



Post 14


Chocolate eclairs? AAAAAARRRGH!!!! NOOOOO!!!! How did he discover my weakness so quickly?!
**sticks her head up and catches them in her mouth** Ahh, bliss...
**takes a few moments to recover from the chocolate overload**
**Sticks a whipped cream bomb in a birghtly-wrapped package with a bow and a friendly tag, and sends it to Bludragon by carrier firelizard**


Post 15


*alights softly, nostrils flaring*

Sure I can smell apple pie round hear somewhere...


Post 16

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran




Post 17

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

*looks down at brightly-wrapped package [complete with bow and friendly tag] that has just been carerfully set down by firelizard in carrier-pigeon suit*





ummm...good stuff..but it's all over the place...goes great with the appledumplingsnowballs, tho

*wiping whipped cream off of face, paws, wings, scales, turns and rummages in ammo bag, cunning expression appears on face*


Post 18


*speaking with mouth full*

Okay, I de*munch*mand to know *whuffle* who threw that?

*looks about for suspect*

Hmmm, no-one around. Think I'll just preen my wings...


Post 19

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


Over here...

*dragonshaped form appears from behind rock, strange lumpy sack slung over shoulder...er...wing*

Grabs handful of applefritters from bag.
...oatmeal cookies


Foodfights are very fattening. *THUD!*

*sits down holding stomach*

GROAAAN...time out. Anybody gota Bromo-seltzer? (Or a stomach pump)


Post 20


*shakes food from wings, and flies away*

*returns with bucket between teeth and lands softly behind beached dragon* *empties bucket of liquidised prawn cocktail, macaroni cheese and bannoffee pie over dragons head*

Have a three-course meal on me, gutso!

*Sniggers and trots off to tuck into carrot cake, cookies and a rather juicy looking patch of grass*

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