A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite Clothes

Nostalgic or Deluded?

Post 1


Favourite clothes you can never get rid of?
I have a swimsuit from 1990 that I haven't been able to squeeze into since having children. I love it because it is based on '50s style with polka dots (which I love) and is navy blue and white. I have moved many times and it is still with me.

After I bought it, I was interviewed by CBC Radio (Canada) about women's experiences trying on bathing suits and how we feel about it. It was a humorous piece but never aired because the first Gulf War started and they bumped the piece to do special war news reporting (of all things!).
Every time I see it in a drawer, I imagine that once I lose the weight I put on over the years I will be able to wear it again. Is this realistic, or just a harmless fantasy? At middle age, would it even suit me now? Maybe it just reminds me of the fun I had doing the interview. Or maybe it's those polka dots.

Nostalgic or Deluded?

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

A lovely poignant post cloudfall and a warm welcome to h2g2! It's funny how we can open a drawer and just seeing an old item of clothing can whisk us back instantly to a particular time and place. smiley - ok

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