A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 21


I have no doubt in my mind that RTD will build an amazing and epic cliffhanger then solve it pathetically as usual...

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 22


re: the john simm thing...

there's a big interview with RTD at

which mentions all sorts of potential spoilers. Simm is in it apparently, but not in the way most fear it seems.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 23


John Simm has been spotted in Cardiff apparently, as well as Catherine Tate, so I hear. Interesting indeed. I thought if he is in it, and as the Master, he could be appearing in a dream or something, like someone buys the ring, he appears to them, controls them, the Doctor has to stop it, that sort of thing. Hey, there's an idea, Donna could buy the ring and be the 'victim', hence her coming back as well. Pure speculation mind, but could be fun if it's true.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 24


see above post from me and t'link - seems 'dream' is almost right but not quite, and not by who you are thinking!

Of course, RTD is well known for messing with the heads of fans - I think he likes the misdirection and winding up the more obsessive ones!

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 25


I was just having a gander at that, interesting but doesn't give much away save for confirming for definite that Bernard Cribbens is back.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 26


it was the "There are nightmare sequences because the Doctor's coming to the end of his time." bit I meant - so perhaps instead of past companions in flashbacks we get some sort of past enemies gloating or clues or something.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 27


I love the idea of Cribbins as a "full companion" though, hes a really great character smiley - biggrin

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 28


also is it just me, or is RTD hiding behind some sort of door/wall in almost every photo???smiley - erm

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 29


It's slimming!

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 30


he's hiding something...

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 31


He's not pregnant again is he?

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 32


Last friday, my source watched some filming at the "Powell estate". They put fake snow where the TARDIS crashlanded in the Christmas Invasion. DT was involved in the filming as were Billie and Camille. Apparently, the scene was 'set' in 2005!

I hope to have more spoilers to follow smiley - ok

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 33

Mister Matty

>Apparently, the scene was 'set' in 2005!

Possibly a "flashback" scene, there's been talk of there being quite a lot of flashbacks in the later specials.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 34


Whatever the story is I can't wait!! Though I will miss DT.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 35

Bright Blue Shorts

"Possibly a "flashback" scene"

Seems a very good idea. I'd hate to see BP resurrected yet again. Perhaps that would also explain the presence of CT ...

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 36


Thing is RTD had his swan song... he made it all climactic by bringing everyone back... son what's he gonna do now - bring them back again?

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 37


Good point. Can't bring back more and more people again and again.

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 38


Has no-one heard the wedding rumours? DT is to appear in the Sarah Jane Adventures (this is not a rumour, he will) because, rumour has it, the Doctor is a guest at her wedding; Martha's wedding (her honeymoon was mentioned in Torchwood this week) will be involved in the specials (though The Sun thinks she is marrying Mickey smiley - erm <pinchofsaltsmiley&gtsmiley - winkeye *and* equally unbelievable but very RTD is that Rose will marry Doctor 10-and-a-half in the specials!

John Simm has been seen filming (with blond hair- think I might have mentioned that) but, more interestingly, Timothy Dalton has been seen filming and his costume appears to sport the seal of Rassilon. It appears that the Doctor is, once again, being put on trial. A trial situtation may well explain the 2005 Rose/Jackie flashback, not to mention the Rose/Doctor wedding. Hmmmm....

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 39

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Considering Martha was engaged to Tom at the end of the last episode of the last series, I'd say he was the one she was marrying.

Of course this is The Sun we're talking about here. If they had their way Martha would be marrying Elvis

Spoilers for 2009 Specials ...

Post 40


not that the mirror is any better than the sun but shots of new Who monster:


Um, Doctor Who and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall anyone?

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