A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Torchwood Trailer

Post 41

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Certainly, which one.

I know I said it was over hyped and I was prepared for it to be not up to scratch. But really it was rubbish, admit it

Torchwood Trailer

Post 42

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Hmmm I thought it was ace!

Torchwood Trailer

Post 43

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

If you like that kind of thing, it didn't *get* me like the first of the Dr Who's

Torchwood Trailer

Post 44

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I rather liked it... certainly more than I like some of the last series of Who.

What was it you found so awful?

Torchwood Trailer

Post 45

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cr@p acting from Gwen, even the stiff had more go in it
Cr@p story from RTD, that was the most disappointing thing I think
Cr@p scenery courtasy of DS9, the wheely door thing
What was the point of the Pterydactyl?
The invisible lift, why???
The pizza delivery idea was ok but the reation of Jack and the others was, strange to say the least.
What is the point of Gwen's boyfriend? Is he Torchwood's Mickey? human interest but ultimatly pointless.
The ending was rushed, they could have padded it out a bit, too much was crammed into 45 mins.
Jack's not the same, I can't quite put my finger on why.
The instant sexual attraction spray smiley - rolleyes please.
The swearing didn't bother me and it was well used
If there's going to be UST between Gwen and Jack to please the American audience then RTD needs a good smack, now Jack and Gwen's boyfriend would make me watch.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 46


i rather liked it. much better then i expected. i like the idea of Gwen being the audiences perspective to learning about Torchwood throughout the series, and I like that it's totally different to Doctor Who but still references Who history. and i did find it to be better then some of the Doctor Who episodes from the past season that were major disappointments. i like the style of this show and some of it's tongue in cheek nature.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 47

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Gwen's acting wasn't crap... trust me on this, I know a couple of VERY Welsh women and they really do sound/act like that!

<<Cr@p story from RTD, that was the most disappointing thing I think
The story was, like any first episode, filler to prevent it from being "here are the characters, here is where they work, goodnight."
You can't assume a programme is going to be crap based solely on the first episode, as first episodes/pilots are often a bit shaky.

Does there need to be a point? Don't you think people should be allowed to put stuff in programmes just because it's kinda nifty?

He was barely in it!

Ah, well y'see that would be what it called "taking the mickey" due to the fact that there are sprays available that claim to do just that.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 48


Pleasently surprised...and it kept me awake too smiley - biggrin which I often have trouble with after 10:00pm these days and end up finding myself at the end of a programme.

Certainly has potenetial and will continue watching if only to find out how Jack got back ...and how it will dovetail with Who series three.

"Here you are Doctor I kept this hand for you !!"

Torchwood Trailer

Post 49

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Wow - Torchwood won 2.4 million viewers almost consistently across both episodes, with a 13% share of the audience, which looks to be a *record* for non-sporting broadcast on a digital channel, and second only to an episode of Friends for all non-sporting satellite / cable broadcasts ever. It was also third in its timeslot overall!

That the same number of people watched both episodes is very encouraging - and good to see Chris Chibnall make an impressive entry into the Doctor Who family with a strong, thought-provoking episode.

I liked the subtlety of the continuity references back to Doctor Who, which didn't feel too heavy and would have been invisible to many non-hardcore fans (did everyone spot the Badwolf music when they talked about the Doctor?).

Soem of the incidental music reminded me of Channel 4's Ultraviolet from a few years back. Very nice.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 50


>I find that the more a show is hyped the more mediocre the it is.

I agree, and I almost didn't watch 'Lost' for that reason, but ended up addicted to it, despite the hype.

Torchwood...it looked a bit cheap, and uninspired. What a crap story that first one was.

I'll watch again though.

I liked the first 'meeting the alien in the corridor and not thinking anything odd about it', that was cool.

However, some of the 'bits' were good, and I loved the soundtrack.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 51

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Lost never appealed to me

4400 is my absolute favourite at the moment, it's so different from mainstream American Sci Fi

Torchwood Trailer

Post 52


I only got a chance to watch it this evening and pretty much enjoyed it. I preferred the first ep to the second. Wasn't keen on the story line for episode 2, and am already annoyed by Gwenn. I can see that she's supposed to be our eyes in understanding what Torchwood is about but she just came across as stupid and annoying to me. I loved seeing Captain Jack again and was glad they put in some of the hints as to what happened to him. I look forward to some more references to Doctor Who. I will be watching the next episodes and look forward to them.
smiley - tardis
p.s. That was the Doctor's hand in the jar? When did he lose that, I've forgotten!

Torchwood Trailer

Post 53


Lost hand...Christmas episodea against Sycorax...regenerated new hand ..."this hand is a fightin' hand"

Dash it all, how sad...sorry must go lie down nowsmiley - wah.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 54


Aha! Thanks Huzzah4knolly. I remembered him regrowing it but couldn't place how or which episode he lost it in! Aww, poor Captain Jack, looking after his friend's hand for him smiley - winkeyeHe must miss him!

By the way - loved the comment by Captain Jack in the beginning of ep1 when standing in the rain.
"At least I wont get pregnant. Not doing that again."

Torchwood Trailer

Post 55


>"At least I wont get pregnant. Not doing that again."

It's wierd that the pan-sexual nature of the RTD scripts don't cause more controversy. Surely there should be some self-appointed moral guardians out there to be disgusted by it?

Torchwood Trailer

Post 56

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Will someone give me the heads up if Jack jumps into bed with Gwen and her boyfriend, I'd actually watch that for to see how far RTD would really go

Torchwood Trailer

Post 57


Maybe he'll get the Doctor's hand out and let it join in, too.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 58

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - bigeyes Well that's a new meaning of the phrase 'Give us a Hand' smiley - laugh

Torchwood Trailer

Post 59


Why is it British productions don't like to use dramatic lighting? Torchwood was typical in this respect, everything was fairly evenly lit. By comparison, something like the X files would,say, allow faces to half appear from the darkness, adding to the mystery.

Torchwood Trailer

Post 60

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Not quite sure what you mean there, as there were a fair bit of dark and semi-shaded shots, especialy in the second one. It's possible the images look different on a standard TV though as they're shot with Hi-Definition TV sets in mind.

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