The Flying Dutch Meet

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What a great 26 hours I had.

BluesShark (my young man) and I were picked up from the airport and taken to Shazz's, which meant I could join the party with no delay.

It was good to see familiar faces, and some new ones, so we all sat around drinking until we decided that it was gone 11 and time to go out. The party split into two, with some of us going to a Jazz festival. Not really my type of music, but it meant I got to spend some time with the people that weren't going on to party through the night. When we left, we said goodbye to a few people and went onto Het Kasteel. It's a great place. I can see why they are so proud of it. I'm not sure I liked the idea of using tokens for drinks in both places, but I can see it speeds things up and saves wear and tear on the bar staff.

I got good and sozzled there, then the party split again and we went back to Shazz's for gossip and sitting about on sofas, eating and drinking. Then it was time to go back to Don Alfredo's for some smiley - zzz.

4 hours later, we were dragged out of bed for some smiley - coffee and toast and, after an hour during which we tried to work out what time it was, we went back to Shazz's for some more smiley - coffee and chatting and to say goodbye to the italics and Lighhousegirl, as they were flying back early.

Abi seemed strangely obsessed with the TV and worried us all quite a lot, especially the thing with the horses. Abi, if you've passed this onto me, I won't be happy!

We left shortly after they did to see some sights in Amsterdam... thanks kindly for the lift Marijn.

We went round the sex museum, and then finally left to tour the city for the afternoon on our own... Some things are not for sharing... especially in Amsterdam! smiley - winkeye

Last thoughts

How odd it was to hear two people from Holland saying what a relief it is in Britain that all the pubs shut early.

There's not a lot of detail here, but you had to be there really and most of what we saw/did/ate/drank is illegal in this country and so wouldn't be right to talk about!


The Dutch Meet - Part Two: Amsterdam

The car-journey with Mina, BluesShark, Bossel and Xanatic to Amstelveen took about half an hour. We came in through the front door, greeted the cats Buffel and Nikky, and went out through the backdoor to go to the metro-stop.

In Amsterdam, in the Central station the necessary tickets to Schiphol were bought in advance, and then we started looking for the Sex Museum. Halfway there we saw a sign about an exibition of torture through the ages, which got Mina and BluesShark excited, but
we ignored it for the moment.

When we reached the museum, we saw it was also called 'The Temple of Venus', so there may be more researchers involved1.
For the moment we walked on, to get a bite in a fast-food restaurant, and then came back for the museum.

About the museum itself I have, alas, to be short, as it contains three floors of Unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, or otherwise objectionable material. I am afraid that more
details will get me in some trouble with the rules2smiley - winkeye.

There was just one thing that must be mentioned specifically. Somewhere we saw a sign stating:
'This article has temporary been removed'smiley - huh.

So is that why the Towers left so early when they knew we were coming here? It might have been the Rory for 'The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word "F**k" In A Serious Screenplay'!

When I got out of the museum, Xanatic, Mina and BluesShark were out also, so only Bossel was still in trance somewhere inside. But just after Mina decided to split up anyhow (in a hurry to see more?), Bossel arrived and we said all goodby to each other smiley - hug. So ended the Amsterdam part of the Meet.


08.11.01. Front Page

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1No slur on researcher Venus intended!2Mina has actually written an entry on it, however.

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