Little Englander

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Little Englander is a term from the Boer War (1899-1901). It meant people who only wanted the British Empire to extend only to the boarders of the United Kingdon i.e people who wanted to end British rule over Canada, South Africa, India etc. and to withdraw the Empire to domestic boarders.

Since then, a Little Englander was a person who can only see 'Little England'. He is unaware of the wider world. From there, it has come to refer to bigoted and naive English nationalism and middle-class ignorance. The phrase was used by Scots, Welsh and Irish to describe English people who are intolerant or ignorant of their countries and people.

Therefore, political implications of the term have changed. When introduced, a 'Little Englander' was an anti-imperialist and/or radical. This is probably from a Conservative or Left-liberal direction. G.K.Chesterton would have counted as a Little Englander.
In the Edwardian period, his party-political allegiance was to the Liberals, but his politics were always small-conservative.

A Little Englander is now boorish or ignorant, or an extreme chauvinist/nationalist, typically with anti-immigration views. They regard themselves as patriotic.

The Little Britain sketch show got its name from the term 'Little Englander'.

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