A Conversation for The All-New H2G2 Poetry Appreciation Service
The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo Started conversation Oct 23, 2001
Fellow Poets
Please put your poems into this thread, it will make the whole thing easier to manage.
If you want an example, take a look at Lodestone's pioneering entry, submitted separately.
Hullabaloo, Poet and Tragedian
TheMyriadWhoIsALordOfTheRingsFanatic Posted May 28, 2002
Africa Blindness.
I see you but do not see you,
I hear you but do not hear you,
I feel you but do not feel you,
I'm near you but am not near you.
I know you but do not know you,
I need you but do not need you,
I want you but do not want you,
I feed you but do not feed you.
I help you but cannot help you,
I name you but cannot name you,
I ignore you but can't ignore you,
I shame you but do not shame you.
You beg me but do not beg me,
You ask me but do not ask me,
You shame me but do not shame me,
You task me but do not task me.
I'm happy but am not happy,
Alive but not alive,
Peaceful but not peaceful,
I thrive but I do not thrive.
Together but not together,
The past is not the past,
The future is not the future,
And the last shall not be the last.
The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo Posted May 30, 2002
Hi Myriad
sorry I'm late, I've been caught up in RL for a bit.
Well, Great! Super! I like your poem very much indeed. It shows such accomplishment, such control of form and language that you must have done lots of poems already.
I like the uniform tone of voice, the regular rhythms, the depth of thought shown by the well-balanced contradictions in each line. Here art defeats logic hands down - in logic contradictions are meaningless but when handled well in art they can speak volumes. They also make the reader think, which drew this reader into the poem from the start.
I liked the variation in rhythm at the end too. This prevented the form from being overwhelming.
If you've got any conscience you'll submit this to The Post immediately, so everyone can enjoy it - H2G2 Poem, definitely not Vogon Poetry!
TheMyriadWhoIsALordOfTheRingsFanatic Posted May 31, 2002
Thank you for the kindness!!!!
I am a poet (as you have already guessed) and have a book already published. I have submitted this poem under the title Africa Blindness but I am still waiting for a response.
Thanks again,
The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo Posted May 31, 2002
Hi Myriad,
Thanks for your thanks
Good luck with your submission ...I hope the Post team have the good sense to include your poem very soon
The world needs you!
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