The Rise and Fall Of The Monty Python Empire

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The idea of Monty Python was created by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin in 1968. Graham and John starred in a different show before Monty Python called 'At Last The 1948 Show'. Eric, Terry and I think Michael starred in the show 'Do Not Adjust Your Set'.

When the first Monty Python episode was aired it was mildly succesful.The first series included sketches like The Pet Shop, and Hells Grannies. When the first series ended, it was totally popular and it was guaranteed it's own broadcast time instead of jumping from different time to different time.

They then decided to strech to American audiences and made their own movie entitled "And Now For Something Completely Different.". It failed in box offices across America. Then the second series premeired. Another successful season.

Then a second movie was made called "Monty Python and The Holy Grail". It was the most successful of all the Monty Python movies, including a french taunter scene. (Go boil your bottom, son of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so called Arthur King! You and all you english knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniggits!)

Then the third series was created including a sketch called Spam. (We got egg, bacon. Egg sausage and bacon. Egg and spam. Egg bacon sausage and spam. Spam eggs spam spam spam spam...)The fourth series was released after the third and had 1 good sketch called Mr. Neutron. It was the worst of the whole of the Monty Python universe. And was only 6 episodes out of the original 12.

Then the third movie was released. It was called, "Monty Python's Life Of Brian". Sometime in the 80's Monty Python made the 4th movie called "Monty Python Live at The Hollywood Bowl". Then two years later they made the 5th movie called "Monty Python and The Meaning Of Life".

Graham Chapman died in 1989 and it was the major reason for the Monty Python break-up. They were reunited in Aspen in 98 but it was short lived. Today they are all succesful and famous, just like they were in 68. The world will never forget Monty Python, but someday... we will forgive.

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