A Conversation for The Potato Army HQ

The Potato Army meeting thingy

Post 141


Where have all the Potatoe Army members buggered off to? Maybe if I post enough of these in enough places I may awaken the Army from its slumber.
Perhaps I'd better introduce myself. I'm Terran. Field-Marshall Terran, leader of the Terranic Army. A few weeks ago with an agreement between snowman and myself (and my other officers Spook and AJ Rimmer) we became allies. There is currenly a battle involving Zombies at A815672, anyone is welcome.

Well, I'll see what kind of reply that gets.smiley - ok

Field-Marshall Terran smiley - earth

The Potato Army meeting thingy

Post 142

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

The Potato Army meeting thingy

Post 143

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

That srewed up. It should have said REPLY

smiley - snowman

The Potato Army meeting thingy

Post 144


What kind of reply was that (a blue one or a green one smiley - huhsmiley - smiley)

The Potato Army meeting thingy

Post 145

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Purple actually with a hint of grey.

Snowman smiley - snowman

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