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Tuesday, 28 April, 2009: Secret Smiley/Edited Guide

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Now that the other ones are up and running (mainly), the search is on for the Secret Smiley... We've got some h2g2 merchandise for the first person who guesses what it is and uses it in this thread: F19585?thread=6528090

We don't expect that search to last too long, so we'll also send a little parcel of h2g2 merchandise (Woolly hat! Shopping Bag! Bookmark! Badges!) to any Reseacher creating an Entry dated today, 28 April, 2009 (did we mention that it was our tenth birthday?) that makes its way into the Edited Guide. (Just in case this takes off, we're limiting it to the first 50 Researchers whose '28 April 2009'-dated Entries make it to the front page *when they make it to the front page*!)

Good luck!

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Tuesday, 28 April, 2009: Secret Smiley/Edited Guide

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