A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011
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Thursday, 16 October, 2008: Guidelines for Elections, 6 November, 2008
The H2G2 Editors Started conversation Oct 16, 2008
It has been confirmed that the Glenrothes By-Election will take place on Thursday, 6 November, 2008. The standard election guidelines are now in force.
In order to enable balanced and interesting debates, messageboards and discussion forums across the BBC will be operating under the BBC's agreed policies. This means there will be additional guidelines for members to abide by if they intend to discuss election issues.
In addition to the existing House Rules you must:
Declare if you are a candidate
Discuss the issues, not the personalities
Avoid sloganeering
Avoid campaigning
From time to time during the campaign it may be necessary to restrict or close certain discussions. More information on the BBC's guidelines during local elections can be found in the BBC Editorial Guidelines.
If you wish to discuss the election guidelines with other Researchers, please use the 2008 Elections Forum. More information on the by-election can be found on the BBC News Website.
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Thursday, 16 October, 2008: Guidelines for Elections, 6 November, 2008
More Conversations for Old Announcements: January - September 2011
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Dec 21, 2011 - Announcements [172]
Dec 11, 2011 - Friday 30 September, 2011: H2G2 Moves to its New Home [155]
Oct 21, 2011 - Announcements from the new h2g2! editors. Small bug with the yikes button. [86]
Oct 20, 2011 - Wednesday 07 September, 2011: Jane Belson has Passed Away [74]
Sep 16, 2011
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."