A Conversation for Home for Obsolete Computer Games

h2g2- the computer game

Post 1


Help me! I though, as it's ancient, somebody here might be able to help me! I'm currently stuck on the Heart of Gold, having escaped the Vogon poetry and the demolition of earth. but I can't get off of the HoG!! Help!!

h2g2- the computer game

Post 2

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - laugh
search Google for the walkthrough
of all the stupid questions smiley - rofl
smiley - dontpanic
smiley - towelNerd42

h2g2- the computer game

Post 3


You'd have thought that in three years I'd have managed to figure it out.

And I had. smiley - tongueout

h2g2- the computer game

Post 4

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

lol yeah twas just being silly smiley - silly
smiley - nahnah
smiley - towelNerd42

h2g2- the computer game

Post 5


Also, a rather good info. set on
about it.

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