A Conversation for TM³ - A Semi-secret Organisation

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Post 1

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

Please sign up, we're nothing without your support! smiley - silly

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Post 2

Researcher 178815

sure, why not? smiley - smiley

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Post 3

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Just give your prefered title and that should be groovy... wow an ACE/GURU fighting our cause!!! smiley - smiley

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Post 4

Researcher 178815

Yeah well, if you visit the Queen Fan club, I put a message up there again saying to the moderators get a damn life! Or words to that effect.

Don't think about me being an ACE and Guru as giving you any help.. It's not h2g2's moderators really; They're BBC Moderators and what does that tell you?

Ever ring a BBC TV Complaint line!!!? smiley - biggrin

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Post 5

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Hmmm interesting... dont worry I know that they are from the BBC. NO I never phoned a BBC complaint line. But as for your Title?

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Post 6

Researcher 178815

Im just saying, The amount of moderation the beeb put into their programming aswell as online content (h2g2 is the only good online content it has ever had IMO), the only complaints it's gonna get are "I don't like that woman" cmoaplaints from old ladies about Anne Robinson! smiley - biggrin

Anyway, about the title? aka {ace, Guru, Goo Fan, Queen Fan, Keeper, Muse, Human Being...}? What about it?

smiley - coolakasmiley - cool

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Post 7

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Ok so be it!

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Post 8

Researcher 178815

"I never phoned a BBC complaint line. But as for your Title?"

Well, come on, spit it out! smiley - biggrin
What about it?
Don't tell me you have a bad music taste like the moderators, too!! smiley - laugh

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Post 9

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Oh now Im so confused! Bad taste in music? From a fellow Queen fan thats a bit self damning. This conversation is soo weird!!!

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Post 10

Researcher 178815

no!! you said "As for your title".... what about the damn title!!??? lol smiley - biggrin

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Post 11

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Well you didnt tell me one for you so I made one up! Hope ya like it smiley - smiley

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Post 12

Researcher 178815

*slaps forehead*

ohhh!! that title!! i thoght you meant the one in my name!
just say, "aka the queen fanatic, muse-ical inspirator and ace and guru" smiley - winkeye
that will do fine smiley - smiley

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Post 13

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Much better I think you will agree

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Post 14

Researcher 178815

Thank you!!

hm, we really need a smiley!

smiley - coolthe ever varied akasmiley - cool

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Post 15

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Hmm a thankyou smiley... you can use the hug one. Its an idea.

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Post 16

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

i think the flower one is better personally smiley - cheerup

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Post 17

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

or even better, smiley - ok

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Post 18

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

Nah... nothing says thankyou like a smiley - hug

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Post 19

Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

well, depends. what if the person was dead smelly? you wouldnt wanna hug em then would ya?

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Post 20

Jeffery the hyper-intelligent guitar

smiley - sadface you sayin I smelly? smiley - sadface

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