Talking Point: Dress Code

3 Conversations

The late Mike Reid as EastEnders' Frank Butcher in dickie bow and birthday suit.

Recently a shopper was refused service at her local Tesco in Cardiff for wearing pyjamas. It seems the shop, which doesn't operate a 'dress code' as such, does draw the line at what it terms 'nightwear'. The shopper opined: 'But we only wanted fags and they still refused us to go in for a pack of cigarettes.'

Dress code is a weird one. The other day, a mutual friend of ours was invited to a swanky private members club in town. Looking forward to it, he tarted himself up in his smartest clothes. When he got there he was rather taken aback to be told by member of staff: 'Sorry sir, we operate a strict 'no tie' policy here. Could you remove it please.'

Exsqueeze me? But it's a smart private members club, for goodness sake! And these are smart clothes! It takes all sorts. Some people just love to go places that allows them to exercise their need to 'dress right' - the right tie, the buff of the shoe, the collar, the length of the skirt. For others, it's t-shirts, jeans, sandals or nothing1. So, what are you views on dress codes? And do you have any dress code stories with which to regale us?

  • What's the most ridiculous example of you being refused entry somewhere because you didn't meet the dress code?

  • Is there actually any harm in having a dress code? Doesn't it take the stress out of deciding what to wear like school uniforms?

  • Do you instinctively form a positive opinion of someone if they're dressed 'smartly'?

  • Do you ever observe a dress code? Do you resent it? Or does it not bother you?

Over to you...

1'Does that make them naturists, then?' - the other Ed.

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