A Conversation for Can we stop killing each other?

Why hate?

Post 41


1. It would be nice to know if there are any Muslims in here. Welcome to you if you are here.

2. One of the points about Muslims is that many of them believe that they are above nations. Other groups have had the same idea (the Irish, Jews, Catholics...), but there is a willingness in some parts of the world to be disturbed by this "higher allegiance" expressed by followers of Islam.

Why hate?

Post 42

Pandora...Born Again Tart

*pulling out her long hair*
smiley - cry It would really be a good idea to just understand that very bad things are done by very few people. Oh myhell...I'm soooo
tired. Will somebody please just hold me for a few minutes?

Why hate?

Post 43

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - hug

Why hate?

Post 44


Pandora, if you're still awake consider yourself held. If not, we'll stroke your hair and tiptoe away.

Why hate?

Post 45


Hello everyone. I think this is reasonably on topic. If it tastes like spam, don't worry, it's just flavored tempeh.

"The lesson which wars and depressions have taught is that if we want peace, prosperity and happiness at home we must help to establish them abroad." - Hugo L. Black (1886-1971)

I don't know who this Hugo Black fellow is, I just found that quote and thought of this thread.

Wishing peace to you all,


Why hate?

Post 46

Pandora...Born Again Tart

GTBacchus...I can't recall who that is...seems pretty tame.

ex-Rambling & Mund...thanks...I needed that. smiley - biggrin

I've been taken off call on the crisis line. Yay. I'm sure it will be a short break. I however plan to watch a movie & eat some garden fresh 'maters. You know? For people (mostly) I'm just getting around to know, you're a very caring lot. I've finally smiley - blush figured out that I need a good smiley - wah too. smiley - crySo 'they' may call me the crying therapist. Much better than the smiley - bleep charging
a smiley - bleeping King's ransome for you to listen to smiley - bleepsmiley - bigeyes

Too bad it took this type of thing to bring us together. I choose to think we more than likely would have run into one another at some point in time. smiley - zen

Why hate?

Post 47

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost well, at least you knew where to come. smiley - biggrin

Why hate?

Post 48


At this distance (northern England, a touch down from Manchester), what can I do but care and hope and offer you a cyberhand of friendship? You've already made me reconsider what I say about guns (not what I feel or believe, yet, but certainly what I say).

Earlier this evening I was at my writers' group. One of our members is over here from San Diego. She feels for what is going on back home. We Brits sympathise but sometimes fail to realise the fellow feeling that can exist between the California desert and the tricken Manhattan island.

What matters is that we keep talking.

Why hate?

Post 49


What matters 2: My name is Ed. I don't want to hide behind a pseudonym any more.

What really matters: This site may well not be the kind of place where devout Muslims would feel comfortable. Where can we go to meet such people? I know where I can go on the surface of the earth - to say hello to my friend Yasin. But when I sit at my screen, where can I find people of other cultures, so we can explore each others' foibles and strongly held beliefs?

Why hate?

Post 50


I tryped tricken. I meant stricken.

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