A Conversation for Can we stop killing each other?

Make things better 1

Post 1


How about we ask ourselves: is life actually holy? Do we ordinarily act as if it is? Why does it take a disaster like this to shake people into feeling compassion for each other?

Make things better 1

Post 2


I would say: yes, life is holy. Unfortunately most people seem to act otherwise, both in their regard of others and of themselves.

I have been fortunate in meeting people who actually do practise a reverence for life, and I can only attempt to emulate such people.

Compassion arises naturally from respect and reverence for life, and it is not even a trait exclusive to our species. A disaster does tend to awaken our feelings of connectedness, but a human inspired disaster such as this also causes us to feel ashamed of being a member of a species that is capable of such a callous, cowardly act.

Perhaps something like this can be a wake up call for humanity. I hope so.

Make things better 1

Post 3


We can make it so.

Compassion, respect and reverence for life, in my view, comes from appreciating one's own life, and recognising the same life in others, and from that sensing a common bond.

Make things better 1

Post 4


Make things better 1

Post 5


Can we perhaps draw people's attention to these discussions?

Make things better 1

Post 6


I will post the link info on the ACE forum, for a start.

Also, perhaps this could become a talking point.. The discussions directly related to the terrorist attacks of yesterday have already been moved to the talking point and are noted on the front page

talking point-- www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A630163

smiley - rose

Make things better 1

Post 7


Yes, that would be a good idea! I know the talking point - talking there in fact!

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