A Conversation for h2g2 Life
Deja Vu!
Post Team Started conversation Sep 6, 2001
This is just about what happened to me tonight whilst trying to get The Post done Wowbagger!
At least you only have ONE demanding cat pestering for attention... imagine what it is like with TWO of them doing it!
That reminds me... Quark is due a visit to the vet soon.....
Deja Vu!
Wowbagger Posted Sep 6, 2001
I hope Quark's ok.
I think it's the lot of all cat owners. How dare we pay more attention to the computer than to them? It's criminal! LOL
Deja Vu!
Post Team Posted Sep 6, 2001
Yes... Quark is fine... he is just paying far too much attention of an unwelcome kind to Kathryn... so he has to have a couple of small but vital bits of his anatomy... ahem... amended!
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Deja Vu!
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