A Conversation for Heroin

A625349 - Heroin

Post 41

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

There's a couple of typos left but that doesn't mean anything serious.

Quite obviously this has been hard work and I consider this entry ready and recommendable too smiley - ok

A625349 - Heroin

Post 42


Hi Redbootz

Great that you've decided to try to tackle this subject. It strikes me as a thorny one! If you had remained strictly 'scientific' and described the substances and their documented effects, that would be one thing. I think the brief history of poppy eating is very effective but you have gone a step further and broached the debate on why people use heroin and how this affects them and others in society. Whoah!

I'm afraid I don't entirely agree with Bossel that it is ready to go in as it stands, though. I think it might benefit from some (more?) time in Writing Workshop to decide what is right and what might be left out.

My personal feeling is that you might consider leaving the 'Problems of Heroin Addiction' section to one side, or give a brief explanation of some of the issues without trying to be comprehensive. It is a subject that could merit a separate entry. Up to you, of course.

One or two specific comments on the text:

I know that a lot of heroin bought on the street for 'illegal' consumption is a brown powder, not white. This is reflected in a street-name for the drug that you don't mention (I realise it's not intended to be a comprehensive list! smiley - smiley) - Brown!

Also, you mention "Dirty needles". Now, this may sound stupid, but I think you should seriously consider being more specific about what constitutes a 'dirty' needle and how this dangerous practice actually results in needle-sharers contracting these illnesses. Just a thought.

Please don't think I am suggesting this will never get into the edited guide, as I'm sure it will. It is an important subject and a good start on introducing it to the guide. I just think there would be value in pausing for thought at this stage and considering how to take it forwards.

Good luck smiley - smiley


A625349 - Heroin

Post 43

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Three points there...

a) I've learned to hate the Writing Workshop. It's a dead place. As far as I can tell, *no* entry ever has returned from there once it was moved out of Peer Review.

b) This entry does have all the bits and pieces that an entry for the Edited Guide needs. People may ask for GuideML-ing it but that's *no* requirement whatsoever.

c) I'm a Scout and you ain't smiley - nahnahsmiley - winkeye

Hey scout

Post 44


Hi Bossel,

sorry about that, Scout! No wish to undermine anybody's authority. smiley - smiley

I only really meant that there is a certain amount of contentious material in this piece that could perhaps be adapted/avoided before going in. In particular, as I said, the last section.

I actually thought most of it was good stuff. Sorry if that didn't come across in what I said. Just suggesting that it was work in prog rather than the finished article.

I have also noticed that the WW is not a terribly kicking place but equally I have seen suggestions that Peer Review is not the place for some of the kinds of discussion that go on here.

I'm new around here, so far be it from me to say how things are supposed to work. smiley - smiley


Hey scout

Post 45

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

As to the contentious part... perhaps it would be a good idea to just let them stay as they are, and mark them as such?

Hey, please forget that remark about being a Scout! Scouts are by no means authorities or suchlike. In fact, if you closely study the smallprint it becomes obvious that there's only one responsibility (submitting three picks every four weeks), and a single privilege (submitting three picks every four weeks) associated with the job. Nothing else!

You're right, Peer Review is meant as a place for *finished* entries, and the WW is meant as the place for finishing them. But reality is quite different from that smiley - sadface

Hey scout

Post 46


hey bossel! you might want to consider eing a little more careful about saying things like "I'm a Scout and you ain't", even in jest (as I am sure it was in this case), as it was people saying this and meaning it about various "helper" roles which was partially responsible for some of the problems leading to the lifetime suspension.

some people are still a little sensitive about those sort of comments. smiley - tongueout

Hey scout

Post 47

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

acknowledged, xyroth! I knew of the dangers but couldn't resist smiley - silly

Thread Moved

Post 48

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'Heroin'.

This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review Forum because your entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

You can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.h2g2.com/SubEditors-Process


Thread Moved

Post 49

Dancer (put your advert here)

Congradulations redboots,

That's a great first edited entry smiley - biggrin hope to see more to come, and of the same high quality.

The entry is now going to the Sub Eds - it'll get a new, more polished look, and then it'll make it's apperance on the front page and go in the guide. When it does, you'll get an e-mail telling you all about it, but it takes a bit of a while.

In the meantime you can start with your next entry, comment on other PR threads, browse the guide, lurk in conversations and talk to people smiley - biggrin

It is also recommended to drink smiley - coffee and breath the fresh air outside smiley - winkeye

smiley - hsif

Thread Moved

Post 50

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

* agrees *

Well done, and please continue!

smiley - cheers

Thread Moved

Post 51



thanks, I'll be glad to see this entry on Heroin go in the guide, it might come in useful for someone someday. I've been ranting on another couple of unsavoury topics today.

smiley - cheers

Thread Moved

Post 52

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh, anticipation! smiley - smiley

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