How to find out more

Post 1


There are also lots and lots of websites which will give you further information on where to find out more.

Try these to get yourself started: (these are all UK based)

http://www.witchcraft.org (wiccan organisation, events, articles, forums)
http://www.avalonia.co.uk (excellent articles, events listings, forums, home of WWL and contacts for the UK)
http://www.ukpagan.com (news, forums and links)
http://www.wiccauk.com (news, forums, events and links)

That would be a good start, you can also visit the USA based website http://www.witchvox.com which contains hundreds if not thousands of contacts, events and such.

Have fun!

How to find out more

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Researcher 193184,

I see you haven't amended your personal space yet. You can do this by clicking on the 'edit' button. You can also give yourself a rather better nickname than your present name by clicking on 'preferences'.

If you want to see what smiley - cool stuff the site has to offer or how Peer Review works, then just reply to this message or click on my name and leave me a message.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

How to find out more

Post 3


I am getting there! Starting to update my personal space as we speak, didnt know it was there to be honest! Thought it was just a lot of forums! Pretty cool though, so just hang on and I will do it all!

Does it accept HTML? If so I could post a picture or two!

How to find out more

Post 4


Done it!
Not great yet, but at least I have a name now and a bit of info about me on my space.


How to find out more

Post 5

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Tantrika smiley - witch!

It's much nicer to be a person than a number, isn't it.

HTML, not exactly, but it does accept GuideML which is similar. See:

Using Approved GuideML in the Edited Guide

Pictures, again, no. However, there is a whole Picture Library<./>A692741</.> which you can select from.

To use smileys, just click on one and you'll get to them.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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