A Conversation for Learning JAVASCRIPT From Scratch 1
taliesin Started conversation Sep 9, 2001
... and neither is Maytag the same as mayTag
I, too, am learning Javascript... and I bet I am a worse student than you
vegiman:-) Posted Sep 9, 2001
Hi Tal
Nice of you to drop by - I dunno - My javascript must be worse than yours.
I have kept up to speed with the Welcome mat but I have be staying in the back ground.
Not easy, sometimes, is it?
taliesin Posted Sep 9, 2001
It's never easy. That's what makes life interesting
What are you using as a text editor for writing code? I use a freeware Notepad replacement called Metapad..
Oh, heck! Gotta go. 2 more tons of hay arriving soon
Great time of day to stack bales.. in the early afternoon when its really hot. Makes you appreciate the cold , though.
vegiman:-) Posted Sep 9, 2001
I still use note pad but I have heard of MetaPad - What advantage is it over NotePad.
Sorry to hear you have all that hay to shift - get a cow in, it'll make it all vanish and leave you to enjoy your
Pastey Posted Oct 7, 2001
ah, to be back in conversation.
There's a whole host of web packages that can be used, the best I've found at the moment though is a little free-ware package called WebEdit.
vegiman:-) Posted Oct 14, 2001
Thanks Pastey
Sorry I have not been around much lately to answer this. When I have more time, I'll be back on h2g2 but as for now all things webwise are on hold.
Catcha soon
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