A Conversation for Meet buddy page

Request a buddy

Post 1



Request a buddy

Post 2


Possibly, need to find out if I'm *actually* going firstsmiley - erm

Request a buddy

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

I hope you'll go, and if you do, Trillian's Child would probably volunteer to be your meet-buddy, she distinctly asked for a cute young man smiley - biggrin

Request a buddy

Post 4


...I'm confusedsmiley - huh

Request a buddy

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Don't worry, I've just left a message for TC smiley - biggrin

Request a buddy

Post 6


*smiley - run*

Request a buddy

Post 7


I might be coming, and I might want a buddy!

Like I said on the meet thread I have met people in Oz, but that felt completely different as I was only visiting the country. A London meet would be strange for me. I do really think of hootoo and RL as 2 pretty separate things. That's why I'm being cagey about being definite. I'm really not sure.

It might help if I made it clear beforehand that I may not stay long. I wouldn't want people to think I was being rude!

Request a buddy

Post 8


I'd like to point out at this point that the probability of me being able to come are low.

Request a buddy

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Maybe both of you head over here and get in touch with the volunteers ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F2690365?thread=1219843

Request a buddy

Post 10


I might do in about one and a half's months time.

Request a buddy

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

They'll still be there then smiley - ok

Request a buddy

Post 12


smiley - ok

Request a buddy

Post 13

Darth Zaphod

I'll definitely need a buddy to meet me at a station. I'll be coming in from Lancaster where I'm studying from the US, and I'll...be...terrified. How long will the meet-up last, exactly? Because I do start classes the next Monday, I believe...I want to get back with at least enough time to settle down and breathe. Any suggestions from anyone in general?

DZsmiley - planet

Request a buddy

Post 14


Hiya DZ smiley - smiley

If you're staying here it'll be no problem at all for me to come get you from a station too smiley - ok
The meet is only the one afternoon & evening ,so you're welcome to head home as soon as you've had a sleep n some breakfast or bug me till lunchtime like 2legs does smiley - tongueout

And dont be terrified..you'll be fine honestly!smiley - hug

Request a buddy

Post 15

Darth Zaphod

Oh man, you're an angel! I'm really unsure as to details, I'll have to figure that out probably when I get to Lancaster--is four days notice too little? Just let me know; if it is, I can work out details before I leave the US. THANKS THANKS THANKS!

DZsmiley - planet

Request a buddy

Post 16


No thats not too little notice..I'll have peopl here anyway most likely so one more won't hurt smiley - ok

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