The WD-42 Boutique: Flavours of the Meaning
Created | Updated Jul 16, 2002
For those epicures who would like to sample The Answer. Taste the rainbow of The Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
Strawberries and Cream
When lazing about watching the tennis, or at anytime when you feel like tennis, try WD-42: Strawberries and Cream. Guaranteed to give you a sense of Wimbledon, plus rainbreaks.
Fish and Chips
That Sunday Feeling. WD-42: Fish and Chips will make Britain's national delicacy closer to your heart and The Answer. You'll smell a bit greasy as well.
Spaghetti Hoops
For the kids. This is the fun flavour; WD-42: Spaghetti Hoops. When you just can't think of what to give your kids, or all the shops have closed and you have forgotten to cook dinner.
Baked Beans
Beans, means, WD-42: Baked Beans. The perfect accompaniment to toast in the morning. Now in two brand-new versions: With Flatulence, Without Flatulence.
Burger and Fries
The Answer's alternative to Maccy D's. WD-42: Burger and Fries is for after those heady nights and you have the munchies.
Vodka and Red Bull
When propping up the bar, or just lying slumped in a corner, WD-42: Vodka and Red Bull is the Ultimate Pick-Me-Up.
Whiskey and Bitters
A historically masculine drink, WD-42: Whiskey and Bitters is open to both genders, bringing The Answer closer to you than ever before.
Seems like a good idea when drinking it, but watch out for the sharp turn the morning after. WD-42: Screwdriver is not for the faint-hearted.
Virgin Kiss
The non-alcoholic beverage. WD-42: Virgin Kiss gives you all the flavours of pineapple, coconut, orange and lemon without any inebriating effects.
Fuzzy Duck
Fuzzy Duck, Fuzzy Duck, Fuzzy Duck, Fuzzy Duck, Does he? Yes.
Let us know by creating a new conversation, specifying your chosen product and we'll get back to you after processing your order!
Return to Enlightened MomentsImportant Note
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to provide WD-42: Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster (Beeblebrox Enterprises(TM)) as we are bound by several nuclear missile treaties.