A Conversation for Make your own lava lamp!


Post 1

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

Yes but its not quite as pretty is it?
Did you ever do that thing with divers when you were a kid?

smiley - illGet a plastic lemonade bottle full of water
smiley - illCut a plastic straw about 2 inches long and bung then ends with plasticene
smiley - illput the straw into the bottle (it should float near the top)
smiley - illscrew the top on

Squeezaing the bottle will make the 'diver' (the straw) drop, as the pressure on him is increased. Letting go, he'll rise to the surface. I think.

..anyway, it seemed relevant when i started typing.
smiley - smiley

smiley - bluefish I ANDROKTONE smiley - orangefish


Post 2


Spooky trick ! smiley - bigeyes

The lava lamp may not be pretty, but I still think it's kinda cool. smiley - smiley


Post 3

ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)

Well I can't say i've tried it yet. Perhaps if you used something more colourful than raisins... or got REALLY stoned... smiley - smiley

Do they sort of fizz around for a long time? Thats it, i'm going to go experiment in the canteen at work. If i get sectioned, its your fault!

smiley - bluefish I ANDROKTONE smiley - orangefish
smiley - bluebutterflyMUSE of BIG HAIR and PLATFORM BOOTSsmiley - orangebutterfly

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