A Conversation for Talking Point: Peer Pressure

My Method

Post 1


I put a value on the things I value and way the loss of it against the given loss of skipping out on the peer activity. Like the freedom of being able to hop in my truck and go anywhere I want (it has 4x4) and the loss of that freedom compared to getting sloshed and possibly wrecking it and killing someone else. In that light it is pretty cut and dry. If I drink and drive I could kill someone, wrap the truck around a tree, lose my licence, and my freedom. If I get stoned and come up positve on urinalisis, I lose my job, the ablity to pay for things, reduce the chance of picking up another job of the same monetary level, and there goes the truck, and the chance to surf and play lacrosse and my house. It's not so hard, but I never judge those who do (give in) because what they value is different from what I value.

My Method

Post 2

Researcher Ford

Nice method G3ntle smiley - smiley

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