A Conversation for The legitimacy of spelling on the Internet
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Started conversation Aug 8, 2001
I love that... did you mean it sarcastically or what? (Welcome to h2g2, by the way)
~Amy (ACE, Keeper of Wolves, Muse of Procrastinating Novelists, High Priestess of Thing)
Hactar Posted Aug 18, 2001
Well I wouldn't say sarcastic; it's tongue in cheek yeah, but I think I'm making a fairly valid point, and if anyone finds someone complaining about the slightly erratic spelling people tend to use on the Net, just point em at this article
And thank you for the welcome
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Feb 5, 2002
Found this in the Flea Market after they closed the sin bin. The last conversation says August but the 'editors' say it was moved here because it was referred twice..
so I'm confused, but if nothing else is happening with this I'd like to se it promoted by AGG/GAG U187783 in an upcoming issue of the Post.
If Hactar is still around let us know what the latest status is.
jwf for AGG/GAG
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