A Conversation for The h2g2 Post Christmas Anagram Quiz 2009
Thank you for a Good One
Websailor Started conversation Dec 26, 2009
Thank you for the anagrams, they have kept my husband quiet for hours. He usually does anagrams very quickly but as most of the subjects were things he was not familiar with (wrong
generation!) it took him much longer and he asked me to thank you as he enjoyed the challenge. He is a crossword/puzzle freak
I don't get a word out of him for hours unless he is stuck!!!
Are you going to put the answers up eventually?
Thanks again, and a Happy New Year to you.
Thank you for a Good One
Post Team Posted Jan 8, 2010
Thank you Websailor. I am glad that someone found these entertaining.
The solution will be in the next on Monday.
Thank you for a Good One
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jan 8, 2010
Can't wait. I struggled for hours with those!!!
Thank you for a Good One
Websailor Posted Jan 9, 2010
I shall look forward to those with interest Shazz, just to see if the clever clogs I am married to got them all right !
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Thank you for a Good One
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