A Conversation for Flea Market

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 1

Horse with no name

Hello! I'm trying to have my entry edited... Well, enjoy it and don't hesitate to look if I have said the truth: you can reach Belgium by plane via the Zaventem airport or by train via every station in every city... I wouldn't try by car, though we have the best highways on earth, I've been told (I've also been told you can see them from the moon). There are already too cars in our little country
BTW I'm not sure that my links are working properly, but I'm working on it.

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Hi Horse,

I used to live in Limburg and popped across to Antwerp regularly - I have fond memories of genuine Belgian waffles smiley - smiley. The nearest we have here is a smiley - donutsmiley - smiley

Your article has a couple of repetitions - of the translations, and the comment about salt.
You don't mention all the great things to have on a waffle - strawberries in summer, cherries in winter, cream anytime!
You really shouldn't use "I" in what will be an Edited Guide entry - it's all supposed to sound like an encyclopedia (only funnier!)

I really hope that with a few changes, this can be recognised and included. Please let us know if you do that.
smiley - smiley

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Should this one possibly be considered for movement to the Writer's Workshop? As mentioned by GVI above, it still needs some work (plus one of the links is broken), and the author hasn't responded or been around for some months.

smiley - smiley

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 4

Horse with no name

I'm really sorry, but I haven't had the time yet to change my entry....

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 5


hey horse with no name...thanks for writing this article, belgian waffles are just about the best invention on the planet. but i must say that your article is a bit like the belgian waffle, you give a little taste but its quickly finished before i am satisfied...
maybe you could add things like how they are made(recipe) and whats the difference between a brussels waffle and a liege waffle (i prefer the liege but hey...) just a suggestion...otherwise here's looking at you kid...

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 6

Horse with no name

OK! But... I've got some nasty exams in June smiley - sadface ; so I'm afraid you'll have to wait until August (don't forget: July = holidays smiley - smiley ).
Anyway, I'm glad to see my entry has been read and I'll try to give some more information (Thanks for the idea's - I'll try to find the recipe somewhere smiley - smiley ).

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 7

Martin Harper

both the links work for me...

I'm ashamed - I live in Belgium (sort of), and I haven't tried these waffles yet. But this entry has motivated me - next time I'm over there, I'll take the time to try some! smiley - smiley

If it won't get updated till August, seems it would make sense to move it to the workshop for now. When you're free of exams (by which time you may have more comments here yet...) then just fix it up and repost it to PR (and post a link in this forum), and I'd love to have another look at it. smiley - biggrin

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 8


Lucinda, when you try the belgian waffle, make sure you try the 'liege' waffle (mostly found in the french part of belgium) [as opposed to the 'brussels' waffle]. what a difference between the liege and brussels waffle! (i just dont want that you try the brussels waffle by accident and say 'yuck, what are these guys talking about!')

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 9

Martin Harper

Well, I'm at SHAPE which is near Mons... what sort of waffles do they sell there? smiley - smiley

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 10

Horse with no name

That's OK for me!
(Just don't panic if it lasts a bit longer smiley - smiley )

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 11

Mardi Gra

I'm glad to see someone tackling waffles for the guide and I'm very jealous of all the research that's going into it! I agree with the earlier suggestions though, about what can go on a waffle and the difference between Liège and Brussels ones. Perhaps you could link to the Brussels and Belgium entries in the guide?

You know, I even had a loyalty card for a waffle kiosk in Brussels once. I miss that kiosk - can we do an all Europe h2g2 meet-up in Brussels, just so I can use it again? smiley - wow

A451478 - Warm waffles

Post 12

Dancer (put your advert here)

I loved the entry, But I think it kind of demands a recipe for making one (I think). Sure makes me want to try over the weekend.

smiley - hsif

Conversation Moved

Post 13

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This Conversation has been moved to the new 'Flea Market' Forum.

This is where we move any Peer Review, Writing Workshop or Alternative Writing Workshop Conversations where the original author has *not* posted to h2g2 for three months. This prevents the active Review Forums from clogging up with dormant entries, but in the Flea Market they can be picked up by others and polished off.

A21984096 - Waffles

Post 14

The Apprentice

Entry: Waffles - A21984096
Author: The Apprentice - U35204

Currently bringing together a trio of entries - scant though their content may be - to Update the original entry on waffles - A5833.

Nothing much to see, just yet...

The Apprentice

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