A Conversation for Uncle Heavy

you look smart!!!

Post 21

Child of Saunola

smiley - cheerup Well, here is a loobrush too you for trying....

you look smart!!!

Post 22

Uncle Heavy [sic]

two at once! how generous! smiley - tongueout

you look smart!!!

Post 23

Child of Saunola

Well, I´m generous!

you look smart!!!

Post 24

Child of Saunola

smiley - erm

you look smart!!!

Post 25

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i have no doubt that you are. i am convionced of your generosity. can you lend me some money smiley - tongueout

you look smart!!!

Post 26

Child of Saunola

*give him a cent*Sorry, I don´t have Much, smiley - erm

you look smart!!!

Post 27

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont even live in america...smiley - wah

you look smart!!!

Post 28

Child of Saunola

Ooooo....Poore you...smiley - sadface

you look smart!!!

Post 29

Child of Saunola

Ooooo....Poore you...smiley - sadface

you look smart!!!

Post 30

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i know. scandalous, isnt it? but i am going there for a few weeks in august

you look smart!!!

Post 31

Child of Saunola

smiley - biggrin, if it feels better i can tell you, that I´m just as Poore....

you look smart!!!

Post 32

Uncle Heavy [sic]

at least were in the same boat, eh?

you look smart!!!

Post 33

Child of Saunola

Yea, at least...smiley - smiley

you look smart!!!

Post 34

Uncle Heavy [sic]

id prefer to be in the same boat and rich tho smiley - tongueout

you look smart!!!

Post 35

Child of Saunola

Ofcourse, But as it is right now... I´m glad not to bee alone...
smiley - smiley

you look smart!!!

Post 36

Uncle Heavy [sic]

so am i...especially in this startlingly surreal conversation smiley - winkeye

you look smart!!!

Post 37

Child of Saunola

smiley - fish

you look smart!!!

Post 38

Child of Saunola

smiley - winkeye

you look smart!!!

Post 39

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - laugh

wheres the smiley when you need it smiley - winkeye

you look smart!!!

Post 40

Child of Saunola


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