A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club
Freddie Entry
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos Started conversation Aug 22, 2005
Hey all, I have about 4 entries in PR at the mo so I'm not gonna put this article in there yet, don't wanna saturate PR. But until then I thought you might wana have a read, there's some stuff in there every one knows (Ibex, Smile etc.) and then some stuff you may not know (He won the all rounder trophy at school)
I might do a Brian entry soon, I'm not so interested in Roger and John but who knows....one day
Technically not a member yet but have applied and awaiting confirmation, don't wanna put the badge up until I've been consumated.
Freddie Entry
Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( Posted Sep 8, 2005
Heya Tony!
Please use the badge by all means... that you weren't put on the page sooner...
I've been having problems getting onto hootoo and haven't been around for like two months or so. But I'm back now for a while, so I'll try straighten this all out.
BTW...Are you Prof Chaos with a new ID?
Freddie Entry
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos Posted Sep 8, 2005
Do you mean Prof. Animal Chaos? In which case no I'm not, I'm Tony2Times but then I found a group of comic book fans so I thought I'd add on the name of my comic book alter-ego, Prof. Chaos, whose bio is on my space, I only found out about Prof. Animal Chaos afterwards.
Freddie Entry
Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( Posted Sep 8, 2005
Ahhh...I see...
*mental note to self: read people's PS's!!!*
Freddie Entry
Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( Posted Sep 8, 2005
And we've got these two...
Those were the collaborated efforts of the whole fanclub.
Freddie Entry
Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( Posted Sep 8, 2005
Still write short articles or something for us though and email them to me and I'll put them on the fanclub front page with your name. We REALLY need some new stuff there!
Key: Complain about this post
Freddie Entry
- 1: Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos (Aug 22, 2005)
- 2: Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( (Sep 8, 2005)
- 3: Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos (Sep 8, 2005)
- 4: Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( (Sep 8, 2005)
- 5: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
- 6: Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( (Sep 8, 2005)
- 7: Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos (Sep 8, 2005)
- 8: Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( (Sep 8, 2005)
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