A Conversation for The H2G2 Queen Fan Club
Queen h2g2-entry ???
TowelMaster Started conversation Jan 14, 2002
I have just been searching for an h2g2-entry on Queen and I can't find one! Is this true? Do you know of any good Queen-entries ? If not, I volunteer for the task. After all, the first LP I ever bought was Queen I...
Queen h2g2-entry ???
Orcus Posted Jan 14, 2002
Go for it TM
Actually it was my first idea for an entry but there were a few unofficial ones and being a timid newbie at the time I didn't want to tread on anyone's toes.
Now it just seems such a daunting task. If I were to write it it we such a huge entry it would be unbelievable and I still probably wouldn't consider it did them justice
Queen h2g2-entry ???
TowelMaster Posted Jan 14, 2002
Oh it's going to be a HUGE entry!!! Perhaps one of the lengthiest entries in the guide so far Well what do you expect from an article about a band that has released 20 albums in about 25 years...
It just struck me as very odd that there is a real Queen-fanclub on h2g2 but not one official Queen-entry. And as Shazz always welcomes copy for the Post, well...swatting two flies in one stroke!
Queen h2g2-entry ???
Danny B Posted Jan 14, 2002
Speaking as a sub-editor...
If the entry is too huge, you mind find it being split into more than one entry at the editing stage. It may make everyone's life less stressful (especially yours!) if you write several small articles rather than one massive one. Of course, you could always make it into a University project
Danny B.
Queen h2g2-entry ???
TowelMaster Posted Jan 15, 2002
Hello Danny,
Well, I might send in my Queen-entry to the Uni and suggest we then start a project to include all solo-work, references to Queen, etcetera. The article I am planning will be more like my Peter Gabriel article(see my space). That article was accepted some time ago and the I am quite fond of the lay-out of the piece. There is so much good info on Queen on the web that I just don't see the use in writing a generic Queen-article that just holds the facts. Of course the facts are multo importante but a bit of a 'critics-angle' would be nice. Otherwise I/we could just link to the official Queen-site and be done with it.
But anyway, I will post on 'Queen-space' when I have my initial draft ready, so the members can have a go before I send it to Peer Review. After all, I AM a member of the h2g2 Queen-fanclub now.
BTW : Do we all agree that the best way to finish a post on Queen would be with a ?
Queen h2g2-entry ???
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 16, 2002
Well, there is *one* official Entry on Roger Taylor, as you'll know if you've read the News section of the club - But, I think its such a task that people are trying to make so great and big, and unbelievably ginormous, that they're a little put - off.. Procrastination does that to you, you see
That's cool, TM, Good luck! I've said in the news secotr that I myself will help if wanted to, if I get the time myself
I, as a fan want to be able to say there's an official Queen entry in the guide
not just one on Roger Taylor, as good as it is
aka (",)
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Queen h2g2-entry ???
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