A Conversation for My Best Sonnets

Your poems

Post 1


I really like your sonnets. You should def make a booklet if you haven't already...here's a sonnet i wrote a few years ago..


Would you laugh or feel pity for my pain,
Or gaze embarrassed at the boring
Floor? In discomfort look at me again,
And then refuse me with a hard unknowing
Stare. Thus is undone my self esteem, and
Broken is the image for you I made,
All calculation falls as if unplanned,
And I retreat from daylight into shade.
You the sunshine and I the quiet night,
We walk in silence the circumference,
The centre’s untouched yet is still in sight,
My courage holds within a tight defence.
To want you and then of this wanting speak,
Though seeming strong would actually be weak.

and here's one about 11/9/01...not a sonnet but what the hell


The minute counting office worker,
Chief accountant, businessman,
The chef, the diner and the waiter,
Architect and longshoreman,
Watch the clock our regulator,
Check the date, confirm the call,
Meet the deadline, write the paper,
Lay the bricks that make the wall.
Whilst all the while
In your hearts beating,
A silent message informs all,
As planes destroyed the world trade building,
All that is, at last must fall.

The bounties of the muse to you smiley - smiley

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