Beach Game, Over The Line

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Over The Line - The Game

Over-The-Line Softball (also known as Beach Softball or 'O.T.L.'), originated on the beaches of Southern California over 40 years ago. San Diego, California, USA is loaded with beaches -- well over 30 miles of coastal beaches exist, often they must be accessed down steep cliffs. These beautiful natural beaches line the western shores of the County.

In 1944 the San Diego city fathers decided to dredge a marshy section of town (now known as wetlands) to create an inland aquatic recreational facility. Whether or not this was an environmentally intelligent decision remains to play out, but Mission Bay Park is located within the city limits and adds another 19 miles of beaches just outside Downtown. From this sleepy and sandy town comes OTL and the Annual World Championship Over-The-Line Tournament organized by the Old Mission Beach Athletic Club ( every July.

OTL is played a bit like Baseball or Cricket, there is a ball, a bat, and the team in the field is trying to catch the "at bat team's" hits to prevent the scoring of points. But unlike baseball or cricket, the players are on a beach, usually drinking beer, and each team's pitcher is sitting/squatting/kneeling just below the batter, trying to setup the perfect hit, and trying not to get wacked in the head. Because each team pitches to itself, there are a lot of big hits and the fielding action is usually done with reckless abandon - thanks in part to the mass quantities of beer consumed by player and spectator alike. The batting team goes through each of the three players, taking turns pitching, hitting, and drinking beer.1 The team in the field tries to catch the hit balls. The fielding team is also trying not to be struck by a line-drive, or dropping the balls they catch.


Each of the 2 teams consist of 3 players. The fielding team must stand behind The Line. The Line is located 20 paces (approximately 55 feet) from the batting "Home" area. The Line extends 10 paces in each direction from the center of The Line. Connected to The Line are 2 lines originating at Home, that makes the point of an equilateral triangle. Extending out from the other side of The Line at right angles are infinite Foul Lines, making a long rectangular scoring area. The fielding team must stay behind The Line, but can move outside the foul lines to catch fly balls.


Games are 5 innnings (each team having a turn hitting and fielding). If the teams are tied at the end of the five innings, the teams will play an additional inning to break the tie. If they are still tied after six innings, they play one more. If the teams are still tied after seven innings, the team with the most hits is the winner.

If a tie exists in hits, play additional innings until the tie is broken, either by hits or by runs. Runs take preference over hits in this situation. If at the end of any inning a team has an eleven or more run lead, the game is over.


Each team remains "at bat" untill there are three (3) outs. Whenever there are Two foul balls by a batter it is an out. One strike by the batter is an out. Any fly balls caught by fielders, is an out. The ball hitting "The Line" or within the lines of the triangular out area is an out. When the ball is touched and dropped by batter or pitcher he is out Batting out of turn is an out. The pitcher crossing "The Line" after a hit ball is an out. A batter may reject a pitch, but the batter or the pitcher must catch the ball or the batter is out.


Any ball landing outside "Out" or "Fair" areas on the fly are foul. Hits that travel the Foul line are foul. Any taken pitch (if you swing). Any false pitch or "Balk". Any foul tips that hit the batter and lands in foul territory are foul.


This is the important bit. It takes three (3) hits in an inning to score one run. Each additional hit in the same inning scores one more run. Home runs "Clear the Bases" (that is, you get one run plus the number of prior hits that didn't score a run). Any ball hit PAST last player in fair territory, on the fly, without him touching it. The ball does not necessarily have to fly over the last fielder's head– just past them scores a Home Run). The intentional throwing of the bat is an automatic three-run penalty (Officials' decision).


Gloves are not allowed for fielding, except in women's divisions. However, the taping of hands and fingers is permissible, if no padding is used. No baseball type batting gloves may be used, however, golf gloves may be used for batting. No cricket or adult baseball bats, only Softball and little league bats. Lots of Beer.

1All players are expected to remain reasonably sober during the game.

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