Big Bandwagon Week 1

1 Conversation

Abi's quote: 'Will there be (house rules compliant) cybersex?'

So the h2g2 Post's unique Big Bandwagon comes to the end of its first week.
And what have we learned? Well, I've learned that looking at fora that I'm
not even part of makes me late for work. But enough of me. On with the

At the beginning of the week, seven people were thrown into some fora and
told not to go anywhere else. Pointless, some might say. Easy, other, more
tactful people would say. It seems that both are wrong. They hadn't reckoned
with the power of h2g2 addiction. If they were allowed to speak to other
people, I'd recommend medical care. Actually, looking at them, I'd recommend
it anyway.

When it first started, I have to say I was disappointed. I was looking
forward to three weeks of sex and carnage, but it seems that the first week
is always the same and everyone is painfully nice to each other. This isn't
why people watch these things. Coupled with the natural fluffiness of every
researcher everywhere, I was beginning to get worried - until the enforced
ingenuity of bored people won through.

As soon as they realised the house had bounds, our intrepid cunning crew
sought to break out, seemingly unaware that other people had to read what
they were doing...

Yes, it's true, they actually attempted to break out. Ingeniously using Zeppo
the dog as a decoy and the pretence of rescuing a cat to use a stepladder to
get onto a wall,1 they got up, only to see a river on the other
side. Yes, Big Brother isn't quite stupid enough to leave a trampoline

Then, in a display of unparalleled cheekiness, there was a shower scene
involving Cafram2 and Don Alfredo. Thinking that
the steam would cover his pride and joy, the Don took a shower.3
Unfortunately for him, he neglected to lock the door and Cafram,
(bliss)fully (un)aware of what was happening inside, ventured in, and rather
speedily re-emerged, in fits of laughter. Well, some people laugh after
they've had a shock, Don Alfredo!

Otherwise, they have completed their first task, to choose pictures with
which to decorate the house. Not a challenging one really, was it? I think
we should force them to communicate only in smileys for a week - see how they
find that.

The results of the vote are now in. Voting was very close. In fact it was looking like a four way tie until the last few hours. But there are two evictees. The results are as follows:

  • Cafram 0% of the votes
  • Infinity 0%
  • d'Elephant 5%
  • Don Alfredo 19%
  • Rama 19%
  • Aka 25%
  • Sea 32%

So, it is with a heavy heart we ask aka and Sea to pack their bags and say farewell to their colleagues!

Watch out for further developments from the safety of the Surrounds

Uncle Heavy

26.07.01. Front Page

Back Issue Page

1What sort of big brother would leave readymade escape
routes around? I ask you
2already branded a tart! if we
don't have infrared cameras, and, more to the point, imagination.

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