A Conversation for Classic Games - Lemmings I

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Post 21

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A597945 - Classic Games: Lemmings I

Post 22

Pete, never to have a time-specific nick again (Keeper of Disambiguating Semicolons) - Born in the Year of the Lab Rat

The code is "IAMNOTGOOD". For "Oh No! More Lemmings" it's "FIDDLECODE". Speaking of which, you haven't mentioned it.

A note on the RISC OS vesion: the passwords were static, 10 letters long, and usually quite amusing. A lot of them are bingo calls - for example, level 11 is "LOVELYLEGS" and level 21 is "KEYOFADOOR". IMO the RISC OS version was the best because the music was of pretty good quality (same as the Amiga version, I suspect), although other versions had more levels.

A597945 - Classic Games: Lemmings I

Post 23

Pete, never to have a time-specific nick again (Keeper of Disambiguating Semicolons) - Born in the Year of the Lab Rat

By the way, it's easy to get to level 21 so it's not much hassle to put these in. Fair enough about the cheat codes though.

A597945 - Classic Games: Lemmings I

Post 24


It wasn't my intention to give away any aspect of the game which involved gaining levels, so putting the passwords in would basically defeat the point of doing it for oneself and discovering the passwords for themselvessmiley - smiley

Although it may be easy to get to level 21, there are always a few who may be stuck on, say level 14, and want to do it themselves. Anyhow, there are always other sites out there who are designed specifically for password purposessmiley - smiley

Anyway, the Entry has already been Edited, over here: A603758smiley - smiley

Caper Plipsmiley - artist

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