A Conversation for Big Bandwagon - The Bathroom

Stake out

Post 21

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

*stifles a laugh*

Cafram, did you close the trapdoor properly? I'm hearing a voice again.

*laughs aloud*

Stake out

Post 22

cafram - in the states.


Uhh...I don't know...

I have to go to bed - d'you think you can handle him alone, Infinity? *raises eyebrows suggestively*

g'night *grin*

Stake out

Post 23

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459


Night Cafram. Don't worry, I'll take real good care of him.

Stake out

Post 24

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

*quietly moves the chairs away from the cupboard*

*hides inside trapdoor, holding camera ready*

Stake out

Post 25

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

*Comes into bathroom and drapes extra large towel over Cafram and Infinity*

Just gonna have a shower whilst you're busy with d'E

*umps in and sets the shower to Extra Steamy, steam soon fills the bathroom cutting visibility*

Stake out

Post 26

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* slams shoulder agains door, and it flies open sending him into the machine that starts "pinging" wildly */

Ow, my head!

/* Shoves machine against trap door, and sets it to not ping for himself, Rama, or Don Alfredo, but to ping for Infinity and Cafram. */

Stake out

Post 27

cafram - in the states.

*giggles with glee in the knowledge that the machine only pings for pongy males*

*resets machine for Rama, Don A, and d'E*

Stake out

Post 28

Don Alfredo

If you want to see me naked why do't you just join for a shower. I promise I will behave. If you feel like it I could give you a good backrub.

Stake out

Post 29

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

*Quietly opens shower door *

*Takes some fotos*

Stake out

Post 30

Don Alfredo

You are to early shooting pictures Infinity, I still have my clothes on.

Stake out

Post 31

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Oh I thought Rama was in there.

How about I do a 'professional shoot' Don A. I'll take fotos of you fully dressed and I'll continue as you undress with the last shots as you disappear in the steam.

After all with your looks and bod you could become famous.

Stake out

Post 32

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

We could have a BB posing calender.

Stake out

Post 33

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Yay. Rama's here!

*takes lots of fotos*

Great idea! Ok guys, who's posing first?

Stake out

Post 34

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

Hang on a mo, let me get my loofah out.

Stake out

Post 35

Don Alfredo

I want to go first please.

~poses with his clothes still on. ~

How is this Infinity?

What do I do next?

Stake out

Post 36

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

All depends where you want the soap....

Stake out

Post 37

Don Alfredo

I am not listening to you Rama.

Since Infinity is taking the pictures she has to say how I should pose. This is my first time posing so I could use some help.

Did you ever pose for a photoshoot Rama?

Stake out

Post 38

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

*takes fotos*

Now just carry on as you normally would when preparing for a shower. Pretend we're not here.

*smiles a huge smile*

Stake out

Post 39

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest


Only the standard face on and profile that the authorities like.

How about you Inf, do you want to be Miss August?

Stake out

Post 40

Don Alfredo

Allright, here we go. I will do this slowly so you have the time to take pictures Inf.

~takes of his shirt, revealing his torso.~

~slowly strips his trousers down his legs, showing he wear a tanga-slip underneath~

~poses in his tanga~

How is it going so far Inf, is it looking good?

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Stake out

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