A Conversation for PARTY !!! !!! !!! !!!

Happy Birthday!!

Post 1


Have a nice day, and a fine life!

Happy Birthday!!

Post 2

Dancer (put your advert here)

Thanks it-i.

How are you?

smiley - hsif

Happy Birthday!!

Post 3


Hey Dancer, Hope you had a very very happy birthday - sorry I missed it smiley - sadface

Thanks very much for my '42'. Here's a lillypad for the frog in your pond. __()__ (hmmmm. kind of, anyway...)

Happy Birthday!!

Post 4

Dancer (put your advert here)

Thanks, I'll go and add it, maybe It'll grow, and surely It'll provide the frog some nice place to rest and ponder about frog issues.

smiley - hsif

Happy Birthday!!

Post 5


smiley - smiley
It's looking sweet there and it's grown beautifully!

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