
3 Conversations

Throughout the universe, exclusive attraction to one sex, race or species is generally considered limiting, if not positively ill-mannered. On earth, however, many cultures condemn sexual practices on the grounds of immorality, depravity or cost. Perhaps the most widely-enjoyed and roundly-condemned of these practices is homosexuality. Unrelated to restricting sexual activities to the home, this practice has raised a number of objections from religious leaders and other kill-joys.

The first is that homosexuality is unnatural. Since the other monkey-descended animals on earth exhibit this behaviour and since every culture has homosexual members, as it were, then this is a difficult argument to sustain.

The second is that the human race will perish if homosexuality is tolerated. Oddly, this assumes that elements of gay culture, such as Barbra Streisand, are so univerally attractive that everyone will fall under their or, in this case, her, evil spell, if given sufficient exposure. While this may be true, it shows a depressing lack of confidence in more orthodox sexual habits to entertain our young.

The third is the vampire or contagion theory of sexuality. The current enthusiasm for Pamela Anderson would tend to support this theory, alas.

A final argument is that only sex that leads to reproduction is acceptable. As this argument is normally put forward by men, such as priests, who will never have children themselves except in circumstances that would interest tabloid newspapers, we can safely discount it.

With the arrival on earth of beings of various, many, indeterminate or no gender or sexuality, it is expected that strictly local issues, such as which type of other person you will fall in love with and enjoy gymnastic sex with, will lose some of their current importance.

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