A Conversation for Forests

Peer Review: A5895480 - Forests

Post 1


Entry: Forests - A5895480
Author: scottie_da_hottie8 - U2119549

forest?the next generation?

A5895480 - Forests

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

hi, welcome to H2G2 and Peer Review.

In per review, we are looking for entries that will enhance the Edited Guide part of h2g2.

We have a set of guidelines, that if you read them, make it rather clear that is entry is not really of the standard that we are looking for

# Write about reality
# Be original
# Fill in the gaps
# Plan your entry
# Write about what you're interested in
# Research your entry thoroughly
# Be instructive, informative and factual
# Write in your own style rather than that of Douglas Adams
# Try to make your entry balanced
# Don't try too hard to be funny
# Write Entries of appropriate length
# Write about subjects that can be verified
# Avoid writing in the first person
# Try to use good spelling and grammar
# Do not copy wholesale from other sources

Have a look around the edited guide, see how the other reserchers do it, and write a great entry of your own

in the mean time, can you please go to the peer review forum, find you entry and click the remove or x link next to it.

Your entry will still remain part of the unedited guide for all to see


tjm (scout)

A5895480 - Forests

Post 3

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

For it to get into the EG, you would need to put in MUCH more info about forests, e.g types of forest, locations of forests, importance of forests for global climate/ecology, man's impact on forests. Also it would be a good idea to link to my Entry on 'Global Warming' at A197499.

smiley - smiley

A5895480 - Forests

Post 4

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

a few lines that won't get intot he EG, can we please have this removed from PR please ?

A5895480 - Forests

Post 5


Seconded.smiley - smiley

A5895480 - Forests

Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Erm and this one Rich?

smiley - bluebutterfly

A5895480 - Forests

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - ok Added.

Thanks for the flag, Emmily!

A5895480 - Forests

Post 8


Still here - added to list.

A5895480 - Forests

Post 9

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

still here

A5895480 - Forests

Post 10


smiley - sorry - My list was wrong in some way or other, so it got ignored smiley - erm

A5895480 - Forests

Post 11


Shall I add this to the list I'm doing now, or will you try again with yours?

A5895480 - Forests

Post 12


Go ahead and add it to your list smiley - smiley

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