A Conversation for Terranic Army - Boot Camp

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 21


the "flow" of recruits?

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 22

Nova Rift (Werecat/wolf, First Mate of Pirates, Captain of The white Defender, and a Jedi Padawan named Fr' Tel Powil)

Nothing that a Private would know about!

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 23


all recruts plese report 2 the parade groung for traning smiley - smiley

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 24


would be absolutely delighted to, if I could find the darn place ! Can someone direct me please?

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 25



<< just look for a link that is called "parade ground" . click on that and post!! you were looking for the parade ground werent you?! >>

follow me!

*leaves for parade ground*

Boot Camp - Col Reefgirl's Office

Post 26


<< oops i forgot! click on the "conversation list" then "parade ground" !! >> smiley - biggrin

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