Talking Point: First Date Disasters

6 Conversations

A couple on a bench in St James's Park, London.
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
- Mother Teresa
I wanna know what love iiiisss!
- er, Foreigner the rock band

Have you ever been on a first date and it was a total disaster? A friend of a friend of, erm, another friend, once met a girl on a first date - a blind date no less! - and took her to a pub he'd never set foot in before, assuring this most well-brought-up-looking girl of his good taste and intimate knowledge of the surrounding locale.

Once in, the awkward conversation not really flowing yet, the venue was completely overtaken by an army of football hooligans who proceeded to swing from the light fittings and punch the barman in the face. Complete and utter havoc ensued. We never saw each other again, funnily enough, I mean the friend's friend's friend... whatever.

Let us know your first-date stories. We wanna know what love iiiisss!

  • Have you ever been on a blind date? How was it? How did it come about? Was it good? A disaster?

  • Have you ever been stood up? Have you ever stood someone else up?

  • How long is the right time to wait for a 'date' to turn up before going home with your tail between your legs, metaphorically speaking? They might just be fashionably late, after all.

  • Do online dating services make things easier? Or do they just add to the general complexity and anxiety of the whole thing?

  • Is there something to be said for arranged marriages?

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