A Conversation for The X-Men

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 1



I've noticed that there was no mention of the X-Men in the Superheroes entry, even though they are some of the most popular superheroes around today. I thought that they deserved their own entry, so I wrote one. A researcher named Colin wrote an entry (Comic Book Characters</LINK&gtsmiley - winkeyewhich I have linked to in my own entry, listing many of the individual X-Men. I posted a comment at his entry telling him about mine and he read it, got back to me, and said that I should consider submitting my entry, so I did.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 2


Oops, I guess I messed up the formatting of those links with my previous post. I forgot that GuideML is not used in conversations. Here's what I meant to say, fixed and easier to read:


I've noticed that there was no mention of the X-Men in the Superheroes (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A276888 ) entry, even though they are some of the most popular superheroes around today. I thought that they deserved their own entry, so I wrote one. A researcher named Colin wrote an entry calledComic Book Characters (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A141346) which I have linked to in my own entry, listing many of the individual X-Men. I posted a comment at his entry telling him about mine and he read it, got back to me, and said that I should consider submitting my entry, so I did.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 3

LUCIEN-Scouting the web for the out of the ordinary


I think that a sections should be devoted to the x-men themselves. There names, where there from, how they found out about their powers. I would think that you could do a brief overview, and then maybe write an entirely seperate article about the indiviuals themselves. Depending on you knowledge base.

Just a suggestion.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 4


Great idea! I never even thought about giving each X-Man his/her own page. Unfortunately, there have been so many X-Men that it would be nearly impossible for one person to make an entry about each of them. I think I'll start on a Wolverine entry, since he's my favourite X-Man. Maybe others will make entries about other X-Men. If not, I can do some more of them. I don't know enough about every one of them to make a full entry for each, but I can make entries about the ones that I'm most familiar with. Colin's entry tells each person's code name, real name, powers, and a brief history. That will do justice to the ones without a full article devoted to them.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 5

il viaggiatore

I think Colin's entry and yours should be combined into one. As an ex-X-men fan, I think this subject deserves as complete an entry as possible. This means including a history of the comic book, the various writers and artists that contributed to it, some of the major storylines dealt with, and an analysis of the themes dealt therein.
You have the beginning of a good entry here, but there's a lot of work to be done.
Good Luck.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 6


I combined my entry with Colin's (after getting his permission). Colin is now listed as a contributor to the entry. I haven't included information about the history of the comic book because I think that deserves a separate entry. This entry is just meant to give an overview of the X-Men and a description of the individuals X-Men. Maybe later a History of the X-Men entry will be written. I've added a link to a new entry I've created that lists links to Guide Entries and websites related to the X-Men. I'll add more entries as they are written and more sites when I get time.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 7

il viaggiatore

It looks better, but could still do with some work. I think some more exploration of the content of the book, and a mention of some of the more famous writers and artists.

Try putting the characters' names in bold to make the list more readable.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 8

il viaggiatore

Kane, are you still working on this?

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 9

David Conway


I just found this. I was glad to see that you included the original X-Men, since I was reading those comic books when they cost 12 cents!

I do hope you ARE still working on this and just need to wait for the weekend, because school is back in session or something.

I have just one nit-picky thing. A typo. In your description of She-Hulk, your gave "giuve" where you mean "give."

It's a good entry, and I'd like to see it in the edited guide.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 10


Today I took out all non- X-Men, including She-Hulk (before I had some characters that had appeared in the X-Men comic books but weren't actually X-Men).

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 11


I forgot to mention that I made the names bold before. I am still working on this when I get suggestions. I haven't abandoned it. I thought it was done but more suggestions keep coming in. I'll do what I can, when I can, as more suggestions come in.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 12


Does anyone have info about the writers? The only one I really know anything about is Stan Lee. I always paid more attention to stories and characters than who was writing/drawing them. Anyone with information will be given due credit.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 13

il viaggiatore

As for writers, Chris Claremont definitely deserves mention for his work on the "Days of Future Past" storyline which introduced the Sentinels, and for writing the first few issues of the new series.
The original series was called "X-men" and later changed to "The Uncanny X-men". In 1990 Marvel introduced another series, called simply "X-men" again, or "X-men vol. II" or "Adjectiveless X-men" to differentiate it from the original series. There's also Excalibur, X-Factor, X-force, Generation X, and a quarterly series X-men Unlimited. A few years ago, there was a storyline involving lots of time travel messes that caused a whole new slew of Titles, most of which were then changed back with the exception of X-man. But by that time I wasn't paying much attention anymore. Mmm... Wolverine, too.

I would love this entry to show up on the front page with a cool drawing, or more than one.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 14

Berek - A619049 William Wallace - Braveheart and Scottish Patriot :o)

Was the Prof's name, not Xavier, rather than Xaiver?

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 15


Oops. You're right. I accidentally transposed the V and the I. I've fixed it now.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 16

Berek - A619049 William Wallace - Braveheart and Scottish Patriot :o)

Glad to be of help! smiley - smiley

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 17

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

We can probably rule out a cool X-Men drawing on the front page. Marvel Comics may not be able to sue the BBC with impunity for the use of copyrighted images (the way Marvel sues its fans), but that's probably not going to encourage the BBC to use them.

As for writers, the short history is Stan Lee (creator of original series), Roy Thomas (writer of most of original series), Len Wein (creator of new series and writer of its first issue, Giant Size X-Men #1), Chris Clarement (writer of over 100 issues, starting with X-Men #94, the one after Len Wein's), and a bunch of others.

As for Saturday morning cartoons, there's one that came out for the 2000 / 2001 season: "X-Men: Evolution". It's weird in that the Professor, Storm and Wolverine are grown-ups, and the others are declared to be teenagers without explanation. The teen X-Men all go to public high school, which coincidentally is thick with evil mutants, and has one as its headmistress.

As for villains: You've described the four from the movie quite nicely. The 2000 cartoon series included all those, plus Quicksilver (super-speedster), Blob (big fat guy who can't be moved), and Avalanche (causes earthquakes). Other adversaries of note include the Juggernaut (big muscular guy who can't be stopped), Black Tom Cassidy (Banshee's evil stepbrother with a shillelagh of power - really), the Hellfire Club (evil mutants with lots of political connections), and the Shi'ar (a galactic empire with a superpowered Imperial Guard platoon).

It's a good article. But before it goes in the Edited Guide, someone will ask you not to mention yourself in it. You can get away with phrases like "In this researcher's opinion..." if you use them sparingly.

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 18


by the way, did you know that there have been some star trek; next generation - xmen crossover stories?

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 19

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

I knew of a Star Trek original series crossover with the Uncanny X-Men. I thought it should have been Original Star Trek, Original X-Men. But I still liked the part where Captain Kirk tried to hit on Phoenix. smiley - smiley

A586370 - The X-Men

Post 20


naw, the one i nkow of is "planet x" with the enterprise e, and appears to be a sequel to one taking place on the way back from "first contact".

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